Forum Discussion

empresergio's avatar
10 years ago

Consulta en profile

Buenas tardes, mi consulta es la siguiente.

Tengo usuarios que corren bajo el profile "default" y sus respaldos han sido ejecutados bajo este profile, el problema es que creé otro profile "test"  con nuevas carpetas que deben ser excluidas, el cual ha sido aplicado a todos los usuarios, pero dichas carpetas no han sido exluidas.

Hasta el momento lo que he estado haciendo es, deshabilitar al usuario - aplicar Restore (alojado en el mismo server) a su actual backup -  Eliminar la carpeta .dlo - y volver a habilitar al usuario para que tome su profile "test" y asi excluya las carpetas cuando ejecute todo el respaldo nuevamente.

Mi consulta es.

Hay alguna forma de aplicar el nuevo profile, para que tome los cambios inmediatamente y no tenga que realizar el restore y todo el procedimiento que explique mas arriba.


Gracias por su ayuda.

  • How exactly did you exclude the folders for the new profile ?

    Secondly, once you assign a new profile and the DLO Agent should take up the new profile immediately. You can click on Refresh on the DLO Agent for the new settings to be applicable.

    If the new settings do not get applied, exit the DLO Agent and delete the .settings folder. Restart the DLO Agent and it should pick up the new profile.

  • Hi,

    1.- in profile properties, add new backup selection / Folder to back up  = c:\ then, add exclude - Filter = c:\nameexcludedfolder

    2.- DLO take the new profile inmedialy, but the new excluded folder still exists.

    3.- when you say "exit DLO agent", you mean to the app on the computer user?




  • 1) Did you actually select the entire C:\ or use this just as an example ?

    2) Newly exlcuded folder exists in the backups at the Network User Data Folder or when you view the backup selections at the DLO Agent ?

    3) Yes.

  • 1-  I realy select the entire C:\

    2.- Exists in the backups at the Network user data folder....

    3.- I didn't have access to the users computers.

    any other solution...??

  • 1) Not a good practice since there are already pre-defined backup selections for directories which are part of the C:\ and secondly DLO is meant to backup only user-data and not any OS related data. It can cause rapid usage of disk space as well.

    2) If the exclusion was properly applied, then the previously backed up file should be removed from the Network User Data folder when the next backup runs.