DLO 7.5 Deduplication Server Configuration Error
Hi, I'm trying to configure Dedupe Server in DLO 7.5 but after successfull creating the dedupe server when I try to create the Dedup storage I receive the following message: Could not Authenticate User, Do You Want To Retry Y/N. If I click Y the pop up came again.
In event viewer I've found this:
05/23/2013, 11:40:33:048, 8292, 9056, [Error],"WebServerRequest::RunWebRequest: curl error code = 3; curl error message = <url> malformed"
05/23/2013, 11:40:33:049, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreProxy::HandleCommonServerError/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 23022; Error Message = Could not connect to server host.
WebService API = closeSession; No. of hash = 0; "
05/23/2013, 11:40:43:693, 8292, 9056, [Error],"WebServerRequest::RunWebRequest: Dedupe server returned an error 20011."
05/23/2013, 11:40:43:694, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreProxy::OpenNewSession/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 20011; Error Message = Could not authenticate user.
WebService API = authenticateUser; "
05/23/2013, 11:40:43:696, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreServerProxy::AdminLogonToDedupeServer/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 20011; Error Message = Could not authenticate user."
If I try to connetct to dedup server in http i get the mesage.
StoreSmart Dedupe Server Status: (20159) Active.
Any idea ?
Thanks Alessandro