DLO with Dedupe Enable : Local Disk Space
I just have a question.
I use Symantec Backup Exec and DLO since a very long time, and up ton now I used and old DLO version (BE 2010 R3) without any problem.
Following some company buy out, I am now testing DLO 7.5 in our Global Company.
So I have installed SQL Server, DLO 7.5 etc.. and tried a backup with Dedupe enabled. I have seen that for Dedupe, DUDF is enabled and used but I quickly stop the backup because of the place taken on my drive. When I stopped, I had 22 Go of Backup (21 Go on Dedupe Storage and 1 Go on Data Storage) but i also had 20 Go on my local appdata on my laptop. A lot of my user don't have a lot of place on their laptop.
So, Is it normal to have a very big local disk space when using dedupe ?
Is there a solution to use dedupe without taking too much place on local drive ?
I know that with this solution we are able to backup and restore offline but it's not what I want.
And does it mean that I shouldn't use Dedupe ?
Thanks in advance,