12 years agoLevel 4
Existing DLO Agent not changing, when i update DLO Server Automated User Assign
Win 2003 serv 32 bit
i am checking DLO Users one by one, approx more than 80 users are there
now when i am modifying aUTOMATED uSER aSSIGNEMENT, I am noticing the change is not coming in existing dlo aGENT USERS
So any help?
its very easy
Automated User Assignments are only used once to assign a profile and Storage Location to a new Desktop Agent user. An Automated User Assignment can be modified to change the profile and Storage Location settings, but these changes will only apply to new users. Users that have already been configured will not be affected by subsequent changes in the Automated User Assignment.This also applies to existing users who install the Desktop Agent on another desktop. The new installation will use the existing user settings and will store data in the user’s existing user data folder. Automated User Assignment changes will not affect an existing user, even if the Desktop Agent installation is on a new computer.Settings for an existing desktop user can be changed by modifying the profile to which the user is assigned, or by reassigning that user to a new profile or Storage Location.its mentioned in DLO admin guide