Machine: XXXXXXX
Domain: XXXXX
Principle user:
Principle domain:
Process domain: XXXXX
Interactive User Name: XXXXX\XXXXXX
Debug Mask: 0
Windows: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Current directory: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO\DLO
Windows directory: C:\Windows
System directory: C:\Windows\system32
Path: C:\Program Files\PC Connectivity Solution\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;C:\Program Files\Intel\Services\IPT\;C:\Program Files\NTRU Cryptosystems\NTRU TCG Software Stack\bin\;C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Access\Advanced\Wave\Gemalto\Access Client\v5\;C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\12.0\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Roxio\OEM\AudioCore\
10/13/14 13:24:04 dloclientu.exe 5572: > client.cpp( 1706 ) -- LANGID == ESP --
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: > client.cpp( 1980 ) BUILD INFO: Build 75823a 10/13/2014 01:24:05.044PM
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 472 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() called...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 478 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() creating fonts...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 480 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() done creating fonts.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 3184 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() creating status bar...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 3190 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() done creating status bar.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 510 ) CMainFrame::OnCreate() returning.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2039 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : main frame loaded.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2055 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : locking m_critRefresh...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2057 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : done locking m_critRefresh.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> client.cpp( 9395 ) Performing 'TechRefresh' for user XXXXXX.XXXX from staging area C:\.dlostaging\XXXXXX.XXXXX
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 9402 ) Staging area does not exist or is empty. returning.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2066 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : TechRefresh() FAILED, res = e0140007
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2072 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : Calling Initialize.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2483 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : ENTERING.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> cachedpassword.cpp( 55 ) CCachedPassword::Load() failed for 0253FDE0
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2537 ) Loading temporary cached settings before any authentication attempt...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: > errorreport.cpp( 294 ) FAILED ASSERTION: shadow\client\clientlib\shadowcrypt.cpp( line: 477 ): keyfile.Length () == (dbSymKeySize_bytes + MD5::DIGESTSIZE+Shadow::Crypt::aesSymKeySize_bytes+MD5::DIGESTSIZE )
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 498 ) Shebang::Load calling Superclass::Load with flags 00001201
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 733 ) timeout: 20, retry interval: 300
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> userdb.cpp( 1939 ) failed loading XML doc from C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.settings\userdata.xml: 00000001
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: W> shebang.cpp( 503 ) Shebang::Load failed loading DB failed loading cached settings
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2550 ) failed to load temporary cached settings. will load legit later.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4358 ) CClientApp::InitializeUserShare() called...
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4381 ) CClientApp::InitializeUserShare() user share path is
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4386 ) CClientApp::InitializeUserShare() empty user share path. not configured in reg.
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2555 ) IntializeUserShare() returned CC00029E
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : CC00029E is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : CC00029E is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> cachedpassword.cpp( 55 ) CCachedPassword::Load() failed for 0253FE78
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4074 ) CClientApp attempting to load shebang with server = SERVISQL2008 db = user = XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX settings path = C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.settings forcing DB reload
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: > errorreport.cpp( 294 ) FAILED ASSERTION: shadow\client\clientlib\shadowcrypt.cpp( line: 477 ): keyfile.Length () == (dbSymKeySize_bytes + MD5::DIGESTSIZE+Shadow::Crypt::aesSymKeySize_bytes+MD5::DIGESTSIZE )
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 498 ) Shebang::Load calling Superclass::Load with flags 00000007
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> userdb.cpp( 1939 ) failed loading XML doc from C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.settings\userdata.xml: 00000001
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 1112 ) : query - SELECT SUSER_SNAME()
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 767 ) Looking up cluster node info at \\SERVISQL2008\SYMDLOClus\DLOCluster\ActiveNode.bin exists: No
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 967 ) ADODB::GetActiveClusterNodeName m_strLastKnownServerName: SERVISQL2008 strNodeName: SERVISQL2008
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 480 ) failed looking up cluster node info: 80070043 virtualServer SERVISQL2008 media server SERVISQL2008
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 1250 ) : finished query - SELECT SUSER_SNAME()
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adocommand.cpp( 603 ) executing ADO command: { ? = call get_user_settings3(?, ?) }
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 0 ): @RETURN_VALUE - adInteger, size: 0 - adParamReturnValue
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 1 ): @UserName - adVarWChar, size: 16 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:05 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 2 ): @UserDomain - adVarWChar, size: 10 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYDOCS% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Documents
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYDOCS% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Documents
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERPROFILE%\Favorites into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Favorites
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\MICROSOFT\OUTLOOK
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERDESKTOP% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Desktop
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYPICTURES% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Pictures
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYDOCS%\Outlook Files into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Documents\Outlook Files
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYDOCS% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Documents
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERPROFILE%\Favorites into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Favorites
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\MICROSOFT\OUTLOOK
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERDESKTOP% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Desktop
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYPICTURES% into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Pictures
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> dataset.cpp( 927 ) dataset load expanded %CURRENTUSERMYDOCS%\Outlook Files into C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\Documents\Outlook Files
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> userdb.cpp( 1855 ) TSCH:: bCheckValxmlDb from ReadSQL() = 0
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adocommand.cpp( 603 ) executing ADO command: { ? = call get_encryption_key2_by_userid(?) }
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 0 ): @RETURN_VALUE - adInteger, size: 0 - adParamReturnValue
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 1 ): @userID - adInteger, size: 1 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> ../client/include/dataobjects.h( 589 ) SafeArrayAccessData bound= 160
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> ../client/include/dataobjects.h( 589 ) SafeArrayAccessData bound= 16
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> ../client/include/dataobjects.h( 589 ) SafeArrayAccessData bound= 16
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> ../client/include/dataobjects.h( 589 ) SafeArrayAccessData bound= 16
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> ../client/include/dataobjects.h( 589 ) SafeArrayAccessData bound= 32
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 293 ) Shebang::DefaultClientDataPath() at key Software\Symantec\Symantec DLO\Client\Caches, FQ username = XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX; Cache path = C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO10/13/2014 01:24:07.456PM
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 309 ) Shebang::DefaultClientDataPath() SetValue() returned 00000000 10/13/2014 01:24:07.458PM
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 549 ) Shebang::Load exiting...
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4145 ) CClientApp shebang loaded successfully
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 8563 ) CClientApp::ScheduleLiveUpdateCheck() called.
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 8584 ) CClientApp::ScheduleLiveUpdateCheck() - unscheduling LiveUpdate notify check... XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX...
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> taskscheduler.cpp( 726 ) unscheduling C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO\DLO\DLOClientu.exe
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 8587 ) CClientApp::ScheduleLiveUpdateCheck() - unscheduling LiveUpdate notify check (unique per user)... XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX...
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> taskscheduler.cpp( 726 ) unscheduling C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO\DLO\DLOClientu.exe
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 8591 ) CClientApp::ScheduleLiveUpdateCheck() - unscheduling LiveUpdate auto check...
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 8596 ) CClientApp::ScheduleLiveUpdateCheck() scheduled check is disabled.
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4358 ) CClientApp::InitializeUserShare() called...
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 381 ) Shebang::DefaultUserShare() at key Software\Symantec\Symantec DLO\Client\UserShare, FQ username = XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX; Share path = \\BCK-DCV\BACKUP-DLO$\XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.dlo10/13/2014 01:24:07.460PM
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 397 ) Shebang::DefaultUserShare() SetValue() returned 00000000 10/13/2014 01:24:07.461PM
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 4381 ) CClientApp::InitializeUserShare() user share path is \\BCK-DCV\BACKUP-DLO$\XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.dlo
10/13/14 13:24:07 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> cachedpassword.cpp( 55 ) CCachedPassword::Load() failed for 0254EB28
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> serversanitycheck.cpp( 129 ) failed to create local sanity file \\BCK-DCV\BACKUP-DLO$\XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.dlo\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.sanity: E0140007
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : 00000000 is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 381 ) Shebang::DefaultUserShare() at key Software\Symantec\Symantec DLO\Client\UserShare, FQ username = XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX; Share path = \\BCK-DCV\BACKUP-DLO$\XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.dlo10/13/2014 01:24:08.107PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> shebang.cpp( 397 ) Shebang::DefaultUserShare() SetValue() returned 00000000 10/13/2014 01:24:08.108PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 5338 ) Online( 1, 1 )
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 3980 ) CClientApp::WarnIfCacheTrouble() checking for non-NTFS local cache path...
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> userdb.cpp( 1073 ) UserDB::CheckForUpdate() UserID: 1608 MajorVersion: 7 MinorVersion: 5 BuildVersion: 7.58.23a
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adodb.cpp( 967 ) ADODB::GetActiveClusterNodeName m_strLastKnownServerName: SERVISQL2008 strNodeName: SERVISQL2008
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> adocommand.cpp( 603 ) executing ADO command: { ? = call get_client_update_for_user(?, ?, ?, ?) }
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 0 ): @RETURN_VALUE - adInteger, size: 0 - adParamReturnValue
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 1 ): @userID - adInteger, size: 1 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 2 ): @majorVersion - adInteger, size: 1 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 3 ): @minorVersion - adInteger, size: 1 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: G> adocommand.cpp( 617 ) parameter( 4 ): @buildVersion - adVarWChar, size: 16 - adParamInput
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: E> client.cpp( 2650 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : CheckForUpdates FAILED result=3759407111 - IGNORING.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : E0140007 is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2673 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : CheckVersionCompatibility() called.10/13/2014 01:24:08.473PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2684 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : CheckVersionCompatibility() finished.10/13/2014 01:24:08.473PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2708 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : deleting temp files in C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.settings\.tmp...10/13/2014 01:24:08.474PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2716 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : initializing notify handler...10/13/2014 01:24:08.474PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2730 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : starting notify handler...10/13/2014 01:24:08.479PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 84 ) CClientNotifyHandler::Start() called. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.479PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5456: T> client.cpp( 2770 ) CClientApp::StartupThread : EXITING 0.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> workerthread.cpp( 74 ) worker thread started - 3300
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 68 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::Login() BEGIN- Server: Compartment: DEDUPE-STORAGE-DCV User: XXXXX\XXXXXXXXX Machine: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NUDF: \\BCK-DCV\BACKUP-DLO$\XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\.dlo LUDF: C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Symantec\DLO\.dlo
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: > ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 271 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::Login() calling cocreateinstance
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: > ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 276 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::Login(). Dedupe cocreate instance finished. Return value - -2147221164
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: > ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 279 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::Login(). Dedupe cocreate instance failed. Throwing exception -2147221164
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 68 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::ReleaseCodecs()
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> ../DedupeEngine/Dedupe.h( 68 ) Dedupe Wrapper- CDedupe::Login() END.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: E> client.cpp( 11935 ) CClientApp::InitializeDedupeEngine() : Failed to login to Dedupe server.Error Code: -2147221164
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> client.cpp( 2150 ) Dedupe - Dedupe server is offline. No Dedupe DB rebuild
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : E0140008 is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 244 ) CClientNotifyHandler got Online() callback. Online = 1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 302 ) CClientNotifyHandler::Online() attempting to post Online notification
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 207 ) CClientNotifyHandler::NotifyPosted() notify handler called. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.538PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 217 ) CClientNotifyHandler::NotifyPosted() notify inserted. posting notify...
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> ../client/include/testoffline.h( 237 ) Shadow::OfflineFailure : E0140008 is not an offline code, returning false
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 244 ) CClientNotifyHandler got Online() callback. Online = 1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 302 ) CClientNotifyHandler::Online() attempting to post Online notification
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 207 ) CClientNotifyHandler::NotifyPosted() notify handler called. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.543PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 2952: T> clientnotifyhandler.cpp( 222 ) CClientNotifyHandler::NotifyPosted() notify NOT posted.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 7849 ) CClientApp::ProcessNotifications called...
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 7850 ) CClientApp::ProcessNotifications - engine stopping? No.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 236 ) CClientNotifyHandler::pfnNotifyHandlerCallback() called... 10/13/2014 01:24:08.578PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 477 ) CClientNotifyHandler::pfnNotifyHandlerCallback() processing I_SDW_NOTIFY_ONLINE notification... 10/13/2014 01:24:08.578PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 481 ) CClientNotifyHandler::pfnNotifyHandlerCallback() got I_SDW_NOTIFY_ONLINE. Online = 1 10/13/2014 01:24:08.578PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 49 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find active adapaters.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :100000 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 115 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Setting max NIC adapter speed to 100000 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 73 ) THROTTLING_LOG: pEnumInst->Next returned S_FALSE.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7978 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) Network bandwidth based on hardware configuration is 100000000 bits per second.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7994 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) Current Bandwidth of NIC lies in High Bucket.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7341 ) Reconciler::StartNetworkCopy()
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 8039 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) Setting throttling type to static throttling and yield (1500).
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netthrottle.cpp( 597 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Static throttling and yield selected.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 8078 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when available bandwidth is below acceptable limit.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 8101 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when throttling fails.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 49 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find active adapaters.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :0
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :100000 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 115 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Setting max NIC adapter speed to 100000 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 358 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection state :1
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 150 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Enumerate through all the NIC instances to find speed of adapater : WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Adaptador ISATAP de Microsoft #2
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IP)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 326 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter name :WAN Miniport (IPv6)
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 387 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Network adapter connection speed :115 Kbps.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netadapterhandler.cpp( 73 ) THROTTLING_LOG: pEnumInst->Next returned S_FALSE.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> restoreengine.cpp( 923 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Restore Throttling) Network bandwidth based on hardware configuration is 100000000 bits per second.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> restoreengine.cpp( 939 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Restore Throttling) Current Bandwidth of NIC lies in High Bucket.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> restoreengine.cpp( 988 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Restore Throttling) Setting throttling type to no throttling.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netthrottle.cpp( 624 ) THROTTLING_LOG: No network throttling selected.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> restoreengine.cpp( 999 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Restore Throttling) No action to be taken when available bandwidth is below acceptable limit.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10249 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() detecting connection state... 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10257 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() returned CONNECTED: dwFlags = 0x12 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10265 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() no MODEM detected. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10270 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() says we're on LAN. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 9166 ) CClientApp::FindConnectionPolicy() NO CONNECTION POLICY FOUND. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 8947 ) CClientApp::EnforceConnectionPolicy() no connection policy. clearing engine connection policy. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.678PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7341 ) Reconciler::StartNetworkCopy()
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7819 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) Setting throttling type to static throttling and yield (1500).
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netthrottle.cpp( 597 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Static throttling and yield selected.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7840 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when available bandwidth is below acceptable limit.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7859 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when throttling fails.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 8783 ) CClientApp::InBlackoutWindow() called.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 8834 ) CClientApp::EnforceBlackoutWindow() NOT IN WINDOW.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 8840 ) CClientApp::EnforceBlackoutWindow() user did NOT choose to work offline. checking connection policies and (possibly) starting net copy.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10249 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() detecting connection state... 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10257 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() returned CONNECTED: dwFlags = 0x12 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10265 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() no MODEM detected. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10270 ) CClientApp::GetConnectionState() InternetGetConnectedState() says we're on LAN. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 9166 ) CClientApp::FindConnectionPolicy() NO CONNECTION POLICY FOUND. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 8947 ) CClientApp::EnforceConnectionPolicy() no connection policy. clearing engine connection policy. 10/13/2014 01:24:08.679PM
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7341 ) Reconciler::StartNetworkCopy()
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7819 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) Setting throttling type to static throttling and yield (1500).
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> netthrottle.cpp( 597 ) THROTTLING_LOG: Static throttling and yield selected.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> throttlingdatacqueue.cpp( 89 ) THROTTLING_LOG: CThrottlingDataCircularQueue::EmptyQueue.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7840 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when available bandwidth is below acceptable limit.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> reconciler.cpp( 7859 ) THROTTLING_LOG: (Backup Throttling) No action to be taken when throttling fails.
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 5338 ) Online( 1, 1 )
10/13/14 13:24:08 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 785 ) CStatusView::_ShowIdleControls() called10/13/2014 01:24:08.841PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10576 ) CClientApp::ConfigureNotesClient() called. 10/13/2014 01:24:09.846PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10588 ) CClientApp::ConfigureNotesClient() NSF support enabled. Looking for Notes Client window... 10/13/2014 01:24:09.846PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10685 ) CClientApp::ConfigureNotesClient() Notes.ini file does not exist at 10/13/2014 01:24:09.850PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 538 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() called.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 546 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() status icon is 128
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 598 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() setting default icon.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 554 ) CStatusView::UpdateStatus() called10/13/2014 01:24:09.851PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2222 ) Entered ClearRename() g_vecTasks:Size:= 0
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2252 ) exited ClearRename() g_vecTasks:Size:= 0
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2031 ) Dedupe - CStatusView::UpdateDetailedStatus() : Dedupe engine is offline.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2277 ) CClientApp::InitInstance hiding splash dialog.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: E> netspeedandduplexhandler.cpp( 135 ) THROTTLING_LOG: RegOpenKeyEx failed. Error : 5
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: E> client.cpp( 2291 ) NetworkAdapters.ValidateAutoOnly() failed. Error: -2147024891
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> client.cpp( 11844 ) CClientApp::StartThrottlingFailureNotificationThread() : starting throttling failure notification thread...
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2318 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : Starting engine.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5560: G> client.cpp( 11814 ) CClientApp::ThrottlingFailureNotificationThread() thread started. 10/13/2014 01:24:09.855PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 3002 ) CClientApp::StartEngine() - user is disabled.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 3026 ) CClientApp::StartEngine() - User disabled - posting jobs loaded...
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 538 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() called.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5592: T> client.cpp( 3210 ) CClientApp::EngineThread() called
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 546 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() status icon is 480
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: G> trayicon.cpp( 584 ) CTrayIcon::UpdateStatus() setting DISABLED icon.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 554 ) CStatusView::UpdateStatus() called10/13/2014 01:24:09.857PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2222 ) Entered ClearRename() g_vecTasks:Size:= 0
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2252 ) exited ClearRename() g_vecTasks:Size:= 0
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 785 ) CStatusView::_ShowIdleControls() called10/13/2014 01:24:09.857PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2031 ) Dedupe - CStatusView::UpdateDetailedStatus() : Dedupe engine is offline.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 10221 ) CClientApp::StartConnectionStateNotifyThread() : starting IP change notification thread...
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> statusview.cpp( 2031 ) Dedupe - CStatusView::UpdateDetailedStatus() : Dedupe engine is offline.
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5024: T> client.cpp( 10089 ) CClientApp::ConnectionStateChangeThread() thread started. 10/13/2014 01:24:09.858PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5024: T> client.cpp( 10098 ) CClientApp::ConnectionStateChangeThread() creating connection thread event handles. 10/13/2014 01:24:09.858PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5024: T> client.cpp( 10132 ) CClientApp::ConnectionStateChangeThread() waiting for events... 10/13/2014 01:24:09.858PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> restoreview.cpp( 414 ) CRestoreView::APPMESSAGE_SETTINGS_LOADED. not active view. setting m_bNeedsRefresh = true. 10/13/2014 01:24:09.861PM
10/13/14 13:24:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 2462 ) CClientApp::InitInstance : returning SUCCESS.
10/13/14 13:24:11 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 564 ) CMainFrame::OnTimer() called with event ID of 3
10/13/14 13:24:11 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 568 ) CMainFrame::OnTimer() event ID == TIMER_STATUS. checking to see if we need to update status bar...
10/13/14 13:24:11 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 574 ) CMainFrame::OnTimer() job not running and engines are quiet. updating status bar with idle text...
10/13/14 13:25:05 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> mainfrm.cpp( 1301 ) CMainFrame::OnClientUIMutex() got ID_COMMAND_ACTIVATEMAINWND from command line.
10/13/14 13:25:07 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 11246 ) UACAWARE: Registry read failed. Reading From INI file [SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Components\debugstream\dloclientu.exe].
10/13/14 13:25:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 11246 ) UACAWARE: Registry read failed. Reading From INI file [SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Components\debugstream\dloclientu.exe].
10/13/14 13:25:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 11246 ) UACAWARE: Registry read failed. Reading From INI file [SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Components\debugstream\dloclientu.exe].
10/13/14 13:25:09 dloclientu.exe 5572: T> client.cpp( 11246 ) UACAWARE: Registry read failed. Reading From INI file [SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Components\debugstream\dloclientu.exe].