6 years agoLevel 3
Migrate users from Symantec DLO 8 to Veritas DLO 9.3.1
Hi :
I tried to follow the step by step from DLOAdmin Guide (Suggested at link: https://vox.veritas.com/t5/Desktop-and-Laptop-Option/How-do-I-move-some-Symantec-DLO-Clients-and-Files-to-new-Veritas/m-p/865315#M3923) to migrate users from Symantec DLO 8 to Veritas 9.3.1 DLO Administration Server using DLOCommandu with -MigrateUser options and it throw the next error :
RecordID User Name Migration Result
6198 Domain\user1 User Migration Failed, Error: DLO source and destination versions are incompatible...
Any idea?