Forum Discussion

ndiaz2000's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Migrate users from Symantec DLO 8 to Veritas DLO 9.3.1

Hi :

I tried to follow the step by step from DLOAdmin Guide (Suggested at link: to migrate users from Symantec DLO 8 to Veritas 9.3.1 DLO Administration Server using DLOCommandu with -MigrateUser options and it throw the next error : 

RecordID     User Name     Migration Result
6198             Domain\user1 User Migration Failed, Error: DLO source and destination versions are incompatible...

Any idea?

  • Hello,

    Yes, I am sorrry, but there appears to have been 1x crucial point not explained in the other post and that is the -MigrateUser command will move users from one DLO Administrative Server to another, but only if they are of the same DLO version. This is discussed on Page 307 of the DLO Administrators Guide, where it details the "Prerequisites for Migrating Users across Administration Servers; The source and the destination administration servers must have the same DLO versions and same patch levels". I would recommend you review those as there are various other criteria that must be met (same domain\trusted domain, source DLO administrator account has rights on target servers, etc) to ensure the process will succeed.

    Once those criteria are met, you would need to install DLO 8.0 on the new server and then update that to the same DLO patch level as the original DLO server. You would then be able to migrate the users. When all completed, you can then upgrade the new DLO installation to 9.3.1 and update the migrated users, to that DLO agent version.

    I hope this clarifies things