Uninstall DLO agent without *.msi
we need to install dlo agent 7.5 on pc that have installed a previous version of DLO.
I tried to unistall the previous version and then i tried to upgrade from server share "DLOAgent", but the advice is the same....it cannot find the path of *.msi to unistall the previous version. But we have formatted some month ago the older server and install BE2012 and DLO 7.5 on a new server.
How can i solve this issue?
Thank you
When unistallation process starts it will first tries to find the MSI package in Windows installer Cache locally, if it fails tries to get from the server machine.
As you formatted your server machine,it is not able to find the correct version of MSI package which is causing to fail unistallation.
Follow these steps and check whether it resolves the issue:
1. Install older version BE server on separate server class machine.
2. You will get a DLO agent folder in the install path of a server.
3. Copy that folder locally onto the Agent machine.
4. Now run the setup.exe from DLO agent folder and proceed with uninstallation.Thanks,