Forum Discussion

ImAlwaysSmiling's avatar
14 years ago

DA 9.0 Exception Handling Failure: Unable to handle exception PresentationTierExceptionHandler

– I am experiencing an issue with Discovery Accelerator 9.0.  It was working just fine until I selected the “stack” option.  Now I am unable to navigate because I keep receiving error messages stating: “Exception handling failure: Unable to handle exception: ‘PresentationTierExceptionHandler’.”  My only option is to select “OK” or “X” out of the error but then the same pop up keeps reappearing.  Too many to close out of.  I have to use the task manager to get rid of the application.  This has happened for two of the HR users and I cannot find anything on this issue.  Any direction or assistance is most appreciated.  Thanks.

  • After you do kill the client via task manager does it open correctly?

    What sp version is the server?  Also, is the client the same version as the server?

    Please enable the client trace and reproduce the error and post the trace up here and we can take a look. Article URL

    Also, are there any events in the app log on the DA server?

  • No, it continues to open and the same thing happens.  You cannot make any changes to the review screen because that error takes precedence and continues to come up multiple times.  I am guessing that it will come up as many times as there is emails to review.  In this case it is 1200+.

    9.0 sp1 revision 23.  Customer Database upgraded to version 9.0123

    Nothing in the App Log for DA...  It appears to be just that client.  I reinstalled the client and it did not correct the problem.  Other workstations are not having the problem yet we have seen this on a couple occasions.  A reinstall fixed the problem in the past.  However, I am wondering why when this selection combo happens in the review pane, the result is the same error.  I cannot duplicate it personally.

    I will post the trace later this afternoon.  User is unavailable.

    Thank you Tony.