DA client server mismatch 10SP4CHF1
Hello all,
I'm running EV10SP4+CHF1 and DA10SP4+CHF1 installed. I cannot connect to the DA-server using the client....
I get the error:
Cannot connect to server:
Client version is and server version is
I've installed several 10 DA clients, but none have client version
In EVBAADMIN, the infor is:
DA-server - 10.0SP4 revision 18
Customer database - 10.0418
Does anyone else have the same? Is there a specific client I need to use. Obviously, I need to perform an investigation, and now cannot...
Apparently the following happened:
Upgraded to EV10SP4/DA10SP4, including CHF1, the first version.
Installed DA-client from CHF1 new version. difference.
Luckily, we had the original CHF1 somewhere. We used that client, and now it works again.