Discovery Accelerator - Search results, can you review without accepting
I'm working with Discovery Accelerator at the moment and I'm wondering what the story is with the search functionality within a case
You create a case and you do your search/ searches. Now as far as I can tell the only means of review to see if your search results are right is the number of records returned? that's why the underlined statement below in the DA help confuses the hell out of me.
The only way I can look at the results is by accepting them for review, Once I have done that I can't modify the search if it wasn't right. Because I can't then remove an incorrect search I have to delete the case and start again. I have to say it seems to me to be one of the most unintuative features of the whole system and I'm a lead infrastructure analyst who put EV and a SAN in, what the hell happens when I unleash this on the users?!?!?!? They are going to go nuts!!
Can someone confirm if this is the correct understanding of how it should operate, it's doing my head in!!
When you have created a case, you must search for information to include in it. This process involves the following activities:
Running one or more searches on the relevant vault stores for suitable information. Discovery Accelerator offers a wide range of search criteria from which to choose: words and phrases to look for, date ranges, message size, author and recipient addresses, and more.
Studying the search results to assess their suitability, and then either accepting or rejecting the results.
- That is incorrect. You CAN review the results of a search in DA before accepting the results. They do not show up in the review sets but if you click the Results button you
can review your results. This is for DA 8, but DA 2k7 has similar functionality.
You can see my search is pending but I am reviewing my results. (with limited functionality as I can not mark the messages until I accept them.)