Discovery Accelerator 9.0-SP2 Analytics Issue
I've used this forum as a reference:
Under the solution the first SQL query shows me that Full text seach is not enabled under the instance name. The second query for the Customer DB and Vault Store DB's show that Full text seach is enable by showing a "1" under the SQL column.
Analytics is showing errors in Discovery Accelerator when trying to enable it, and the Seach Terms "Drop down" arrows are greyed out. I'm wondering if this is related to "Full Text Search" not being enalbed in SQL. We are running SQL 2008 SP2.
Is this a correct assumption? Do we still need to enable full text search in SQL if the customer database is showing that it is enabled? I can't seem to find the FDhost service in "SQL configuration manager".
Please adivse,
Walk through this technote:
Article URL
Make sure the Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher service is installed and started.