Forum Discussion

Aaron_Norton's avatar
17 years ago

Discovery Accelerator and Compliance Accelerator

Is there any reason why I can't install both of these on the same computer? I want to install them but I don't want to buy 2 servers just to install each. I want to install and run them on my EVault server so I can keep my servers to just an EVault and an EVault SQL server.
Any setup advice is appreciated thanks much
  • Aaron,
    The primary reason would be it is an unsupported configuration.
    You could install one of the application, like CA, on your EV Server and bring up another server for DA, but depending on the performance needs you might be better off adding a server for CA as well.
    You can look at it adding a server as having a standby EV server in case of a hardware failure.
  • So are you saying that I shold get 2 low end servers and then run DA on one and CA on another?
  • Sorry if I was unclear.  CA and DA cannot be on the same machine.
    You can put one or the other on your existing EV server if you wish and bring up another server or, as you say, you can bring up two new servers.  You will need to be sure they meet the minimum hardware requirements.
    Without knowing you message throughput and utilization plans for DA/CA it is difficult to make hardware recommendations, I am just trying to offer you some options. 
    A note from the Performance Guide:

    A standard Accelerator server should have 4 GB of RAM to handle the high memory requirements of the Accelerator while providing the operating system with sufficient resources.

    It is recommended that the Accelerator database server, application server, and Web servers are connected through gigabit network technology. It is also highly beneficial to make the Enterprise Vault infrastructure available through gigabit technology.

  • Ok so I can run DA on the EVault server just fine? I guess we only have DA as a program. I will install it on my EVault server.
  • Hello to all,


    I have the same error when I'm trying to configure the DA. Also My MS SQL2005 is in the 1A/1P cluster.




  • When DA asks you for the location of the database you need to Enter f:\SQL data\XXXXXXX.mdf 

    you dont specify the servername or f$ because you already specify the SQL server name

  • Are you specifying the physical server name or the virtual instance name?


    In clusters you must always specify the virtual server\instance name because if you use physical server name then incase of a system failure the EV systems will loose connection to the server.