Forum Discussion

Dead-Data's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

EV DA Custodian Manager "invalid" characters in address issue

Hi Guys,

I've encountered an issue working with distribution lists which have been synchronized from active directory.

The issue is within the EV DA Custodian Manager web site rather than the DA client.

The customer has a large number of groups which start with an asterix '*' character, (also others starting with other nonalphanumeric characters)

when you attempt to expand the membership with the "more" button the web site throws an exception, as it's treating the asterix as a wildcard.

>> Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. - Invalid address: '* ABC123' check that at least three characters are used in front of the wildcard. << 

Any ideas of a way around this so that all characters in display name and email address are treated as literals ?



  • It isn't the exact same issue but the error is the same as this:

    Article URL

    I would recommend upgrading to DA 10 SP3 and seeing if the error is still present.  If it is, open a case with a Symantec as I think it is a bug and needs to be logged.



  • Could you please provide the Dtrace for AD Synchronizer ?

  • @Rahul  Issue isn't with AD Synchronization, it's with custodian manager website usability.

    @IDA   It's EV DA 10.2

    I can work around problem be dumping group memberships to CSV, but would be easier for client to be able to browse custodian group memberships on screen.

  • It isn't the exact same issue but the error is the same as this:

    Article URL

    I would recommend upgrading to DA 10 SP3 and seeing if the error is still present.  If it is, open a case with a Symantec as I think it is a bug and needs to be logged.



  • Thank Tony,

    I'm not sure it's the exact same issue, as having "wildcard" characters as a literal within the email and display fields, but fingers crossed that the recent service pack might fix it.

    Technically !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}| is a valid email address, but I'm sure an awful lot of systems would have issues with it !

    (Don't know the timeline for rolling out EV10 SP3 within the org, so will mark as solved for the moment.)