EV Discovery Accelerator - Reports Requesting Credentials
A quick-fire question:
Each time I run a report for the first time from within the EV DA Client (10.0.4), I am requested to enter the credentials to connect to the SQL Reporting Server.
I enter the same credentails as the user I am logged on as and away we go !!
I am OK running any other reports within the same session, but once I end the DA session and reconnect I need to enter the credentials again. Also, every time I select to export data to PDF/Excel I am asked for credentials.
Is there some way I can set this up so it doesn't ask me for credentails the first time I run a report in each session ?
Hi Aj,
Open the IE properties and add the EV / DA Server url in the Trusted Site Zone.
Then Select "Trusted Sites" and select Custom Level.
At the bottom "USer Authtication" select "Automatic logon with current user name and password".
Clear cookies / temp file. Restart the DA Client and check it.