Immediate search status is queued - need to export all outgoing mail for one archived week
We have DA set up on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box which is seperate from our Vault server and accessed via the console on a windows XP box. I set up the search for a single user's archive with the criteria being that it is from him within the week required. I saved it as an immediate search but it comes up with a status of queued. There is another search going on at the moment but would this be why it is currently queued? The end goal is simply to export all outgoing mail from this user with in this one week period of time; is there an easier way to do this? Any assistance is appreciated.
The previously started search that is still running could be causing the new search to still be queued, but there could also be other causes. Please check the following to ensure they are OK:
- On the SQL Server hosting the DA Customer database, ensure there is plenty of available disk space for the transaction log of the DA Customer database growth.
- Also check that customer database's properties to ensure the database and its transaction log growth settings are set to unlimited growth in fixed increments of from 200 MB to 500 MB.
- On the EV server running the EV Indexing Service, make sure the EV Indexing Service is running. I've seen where an EV 10 server will boot and not start the EV Indexing Service, so it must be manually started.
- If the EV Indexing Service is running and the prior DA search is not progressing, restart the EV Indexing Service, then go to the DA server and restart the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service.
Let us know how this works out for you, please.