Forum Discussion

Ariphaneus's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Search terms with and without dashes.

I was led to believe that whilst constraining a search term by double quotation marks in order search for that exact term dashes are ignored.  Thus, for example, "212-M50-0599" is equivalent to “212 M50 0599”.  However what we are finding, in the case of this example, we are gettting matches to the area code 212 rather than that exact string.  Is there something that I'm missing?  I'm not sure the dashes even have anything to do with it as this is a string of ten numbers broken up in the right places.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

  • Turns out it was an issue wit the double quotes being curly rather than straight.  Such a little thing . . . .  Thank you both for your responses.

  • Thanks for sharing this info. It will help us to find such term in future.

  • Glad you found the issue and got it working, ESPECIALLY when it was such a small thing!!

  • Turns out it was an issue wit the double quotes being curly rather than straight.  Such a little thing . . . .  Thank you both for your responses.

  • You havent menioned which version of DA you are using but....

    If you search for "XYZ" in DA9/10 then the search will look for XYZ, so your search of "212-M50-0599" should produce results for the EXACT phrase 212-M50-0599 rather than 212 M50 0599.

    If you search for XYZ* then the search will look for any phrase starting with XYZ with any amount of characters after that. You are also able to use other wildcards to replace a single character as well as other options.

    Here is the reviewers guide for DA9  -

    If you look at page 17(on the above doc) onwards you will find the section related to search criterior, the part relating to "specific searches" and wildcards is on page 19 through to 21, look for the section named 'Search Term Selection'


    Reviews guide for DA10  -


    Have a look at this link which holds all of the documentation for EV/DA/CA 9  incase it is of help to you -

    And EV/DA 10  -

  • So do you mean to say that if you do a search for “212 M50 0599” you will get hits for "212 555 5555"?

    Are you using wild cards?  Also, what version of DA and EV?