16 years agoLevel 2
DMP default IOPOLICY is different for different kind of storage
[root@hostname]/> vxdmpadm getattr enclosure EMC0 iopolicy ENCLR_NAME DEFAULT CURRENT ============================================ EMC0 MinimumQ Adaptive [root@hostname]/> vxdmpadm getattr enclosure HDS9500-ALUA0 iopolicy ENCLR_NAME DEFAULT CURRENT ============================================ HDS9500-ALUA0 Round-Robin Single-Active [root@hostname]/>
When I look at the DMP iopolicy for different storages I see that the default DMP mechanism is different. How is this default value set and is there any documentation on this. Also is there any recomendations from the storage vendor depending on the storage's host usage and throughput.
- from your output it appears the host may be using VxVM 5.0 - from the VxVM 5.0 Administrator's Guide:
This policy sends I/O on paths that have the minimum number of outstanding I/O requests in the queue for a LUN. This is suitable for low-end disks or JBODs where a significant track cache does not exist. No further configuration is possible as DMP automatically determines the path with the shortest queue.
The following example sets the I/O policy to minimumq for a JBOD:
# vxdmpadm setattr enclosure Disk iopolicy=minimumq
This is the default I/O policy for A/A arrays.
This policy shares I/O equally between the paths in a round-robin sequence. For example, if there are three paths, the first I/O request would use one path, the second would use a different path, the third would be sent down the remaining path, the fourth would go down the first path, and so on. No further configuration is possible as this policy is automatically managed by DMP.
The next example sets the I/O policy to round-robin for all Active/Active arrays:
# vxdmpadm setattr arraytype A/A iopolicy=round-robin
This is the default I/O policy for A/P and Asymmetric Active/Active (A/A-A) arrays.
(relevant page: )
Thus, on 5.0 - EMC is an A/A array, so the default iopolicy is minimumq; the HDS array is A/P(?) and so has default iopolicy of round-robin.
In 5.0MP3 minimumq is the default I/O policy for all arrays per the 5.0MP3 Administrator's Guide
Regarding guidelines/recommendations for settings - refer to the Administrator's Guide for more details (under Administering DMP using vxdmpadm -> Specifying the I/O policy -- link for 5.0 is above; if your version differs refer to the correct guide for your version)