Forum Discussion

abdjuk17's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

Adding more data

Hi All

I am using version 8.3 hotfix 3 and have processed some psts a number of days ago. I am now trying to add more psts but it isn't working. IS there a different process I should be following to add additional PSTs?



  • Good to hear, abdjuk17. The ol' restart trick works wonders sometimes ;) 

    When you have a moment, would you mind marking this issue as Resolved :) 


  • Hello abdjuk17,

    Assuming you're trying to add more PSTs to the same case and case folder source as the other PSTs, you'll want to run disocvery (of the new PSTs) and then process that source as follows: 

    1. Go to Case Home > Processing > Sources & Pre-Processing
    2. Select the Case Folder Source containing the new PSTs (in this case, it's the same source as the previously processed PSTs)
    3. From the bottom-right menu, select Disocver new files for source. This will run a Discovery job on the source which will discover the new PSTs.
    4. When Discovery is complete, either review the Job Status log from the Jobs window and/or go to the Reports page to review the Discovery reports to ensure that the new PSTs were discovered. If there are issues here, you'll want to troubleshoot why before proceeding.
    5. (If Discovery is good) From the bottom-right menu, choose Start processing source without discovery to begin processing the new PSTs.


    I hope that helps :) 

    • abdjuk17's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Jimmy


      Thanks for that. I restarted the application instead and that cleared whatever glitch was stopping me processing the data!


      • JimmyClearwell's avatar
        Level 5

        Good to hear, abdjuk17. The ol' restart trick works wonders sometimes ;) 

        When you have a moment, would you mind marking this issue as Resolved :)