Forum Discussion

JimmyClearwell's avatar
9 years ago

eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 Cumulative Hotfix 7 Release

Hello Everybody,
I wanted to let you all know that as of November 27, 2016 eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 CHF7 has been released eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 Cumulative Hotfix 7 Release   
You can apply the hotfix by downloading from the aforementioned link and installing from the exe file. 

As with any upgrade, please first refer to the upgrade support documents:  
Supported upgrade paths for eDiscovery Platform  
eDiscovery Platform Compatibility Matrix 
Attached are the eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 Cumulative Hotfix 7 Release Notes for your review.

  • Hi Jimmy,

    Thanks for sharing the news on CHF7, but the links does not seem to work. Is this cumulative hotfix still being prepared for release, or could there be a problem with the links?

    Thank You


    • Hello Ali_G

       At the moment I don’t know what’s up with the article. It doesn’t seem to come up any more.

      Although if you login to MyVeritas and look under the Previous Versions for Symantec eDiscovery Platform 8.1 Product you should see  108 MB. That’s the hotfix.  

      Maybe it was pulled for some reason. You may want to hold off on applying it for now just in case. I’ll check into it more here soon and keep you posted.

      • JimmyClearwell's avatar
        Level 5

        Hello Ali_G,

        It was confirmed that eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 Cumulative Hotfix 7 Release  was republished yesterday :robothappy: Make sure that you go to the URL and download and install from the new binary.

        Also, I want to offer some advice to you (unless I already made you aware at some point) when performing CHF upgrades in eDP now and in the future. Besides creating and/or confirming a previous nights backup (case backups mostly), make sure you include the creation of a backup copy of the D:\CW\V8x\web folder before performing the upgrade.  Backup of the web could potentially be used in the event of a CHF rollback. At least this was the suggestion of a well-respected Backline Engineer :robotwink:

        When you have an opportunity, would you mind marking your issue as Resolved.