10 years agoLevel 5
Metadata Search - Find all Word Documents with Specific Author
Hello. Does Clearwell Advanced Search have the ability to search a documents metadata? More specifically, search entire corpus where document type is Word and author is "First, Last" or "Last, First". Searching for a document type is straight forward but searching for a document author is not obvious.
Thank you.
Hello tmurray1,
Under advanced search, you could try the 'freeform' radio button.
Under the queries heading and in the textbox '... and apply this file query:', try:
u_NEAMetadata:"Fname, Sname"
That will search the file metadata for "Fname, Sname", I can't see anyway to specify solely the author but this will let you work with the metadata on the file.
For more information on freeform searches, take a look at this: HOWTO95659