Forum Discussion

PeterLw's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Moving Collection-Set source data

We are in the process of trying to move our file-shares and re-organize how our Clearwell data sources are structured.  In doing so, we need to move the collection sets that were already processed into different cases.  The source locator modifier will not allow that move to tell Clearwell to look at a new location.  Is there any other way?


Old structure: \\fileshare\clearwell\collections\

New structjre: \\fileshare2\deparement\clearwell\collections\

  • Hi Peter,

    There is a way to move the collection sets from an old destination to a new destination. However, the full UNC path of the new destination needs to exactly match the full UNC path for the old destination. This is usually done when migrating collection sets from old NAS/SAN to new storage because of capacity issues etc. So the example here would be as follows:

    Old structure: \\fileshare\clearwell\collections\

    New structure: \\fileshare\clearwell\collections\

    After you make that change then you can move the collection sets manually (outside of Clearwell) from the old destination to the new destination. The "connections" to the collection set source data will be retained, and you will be able to view text/images for records in a case as you normally would.

    The other way would be to move the sets to the new destination and reprocess the sets into the existing case. The reprocessed collection sets would deduplicate against the existing collection set data that was previously processed in the case. Then the text/images would link up with the collection sets as they now reside in the new collection destination. However, this is a cumbersome workaround especially if you have multiple collection sets.

    I agree, collection set migration would be a useful feature enhancement request to enter.


  • Yes.  It seems everything else is built into the software except moving collection sets.  I'm not sure that it will be that big of a lift either as the full UNC Path are tracked in the tool (Alrady processed file report).  I will probably just submit a feature request because this is a big thing when companies want to move their data.