Forum Discussion

bc1410's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago


I know its not a typical task but is there a way to back out of a CHF patch in clearwell.   We currently upgraded from Clearwell 8.1.1 R1 CHF5 to Clearwell 8.2 CHF1 and its seems to be running kind of slow.   I wanted to backout of the CHF1 patch to see how the Clearwell appliance acts.  Im thinking it started to run slow after I installed the CHF1 to the 8.2 interface.  When I mean run slow I mean just the clearwell interface and not the actuall Server where it resides.  So if anybodys knows a way to uninstall a CHF please reply back to me.  Otherwise since this server is a test server I will just have to uninstall 8.2 all together and reinstall which I rather not do.

Any help or comments would be much appreciated.




  • Howdy bc1410,

    While there's no official method, e.g. installer, tool, etc., to rollback, I could see this being done in a few ways:

    1. Appliance (Node) Restore 
      • If you have an Appliance (Node) Backup, usually performed before an upgrade, you coud always perform an Appliance (Node) Restore in the CW Utility.
      • This would bring you right back to the point of the Appliance (Node) Backup.
      • The Appliance (Node) Backup may not include Case Backups depending on how the Appliance (Node) Backup was run. You may have to follow up the Appliance (Node) Restore with Case Backups.
    2. Case Backups - If you don't have a Appliance (Node) Backup and you do have Case Backups, usually scheduled to run daily, you could perform a fresh install of 8.1.1 R1, apply applicable CHFs and perform Case Restores.

    That's what I have to offer you, my friend. I wish I had better news for you :robotfrustrated:

  • That's so good to hear :robothappy: Those are the ways I know to "back out".

    Maybe for the future, as part of your backup strategy when applying CHFs in particular, make a backup copy of the D:\CW\V8x\web folder :robotwink: This folder can be used in the process of rollback. However, you would want to consult support about it first before rolling back. 

    If you feel that I've answered your post, could I ask that you kindly mark as resolved.

    Good luck!

  • Howdy bc1410,

    While there's no official method, e.g. installer, tool, etc., to rollback, I could see this being done in a few ways:

    1. Appliance (Node) Restore 
      • If you have an Appliance (Node) Backup, usually performed before an upgrade, you coud always perform an Appliance (Node) Restore in the CW Utility.
      • This would bring you right back to the point of the Appliance (Node) Backup.
      • The Appliance (Node) Backup may not include Case Backups depending on how the Appliance (Node) Backup was run. You may have to follow up the Appliance (Node) Restore with Case Backups.
    2. Case Backups - If you don't have a Appliance (Node) Backup and you do have Case Backups, usually scheduled to run daily, you could perform a fresh install of 8.1.1 R1, apply applicable CHFs and perform Case Restores.

    That's what I have to offer you, my friend. I wish I had better news for you :robotfrustrated:

    • bc1410's avatar
      Level 6

      I appreciate the fast response Jimmy Clearwell.  I did perform a full node bkup prior to upgradeing to 8.2.  This is a test appliance and therefore the cases on this appliance are just test etc and not production...   I just was curious if there was a way to back out of a CHF.  Again I appreciate your ideas.  I will bring the system back using the full node restore to v8.1.1 R and go from there.  Thanks BC

      • JimmyClearwell's avatar
        Level 5

        That's so good to hear :robothappy: Those are the ways I know to "back out".

        Maybe for the future, as part of your backup strategy when applying CHFs in particular, make a backup copy of the D:\CW\V8x\web folder :robotwink: This folder can be used in the process of rollback. However, you would want to consult support about it first before rolling back. 

        If you feel that I've answered your post, could I ask that you kindly mark as resolved.

        Good luck!

    • bc1410's avatar
      Level 6

      Hello Jimmy,

      So I was just playing around again still with a test server and basically if Im on v8.1.1 CHF7 and want to revert back to CHF5 which was the version prior to installing CHF7.   By just doing the Full Node restore that I have prior to installing the CHF7 it WILL NOT BRING ME back to CHF5. System still reflects CHF7 as being installed. 

      I mean I know its not a usual circumstance with Clearwell users to have to revert back to a CHF but the way I look at it is that I have to almost rebuild the server (clearwell wise) to go back to a previous version or CHF.   So I guess my point is that the Full Node backup does nothing for me in the sense that I cant just do the restore and go back a version WITHOUT totally uninstalling v8.1.1 and reinstalling etc...(a lot more work).  Yes the Full node is good as a safety precaution if the server was to fail and have to rebuild.  

      • JimmyClearwell's avatar
        Level 5

        Hello bc1410,

        Good to hear from you again.

        I guess the first question I'd ask is what's the reason(s) for wanting to rollback?

        While it could be accomplished using the fresh install/node restore method you describe and only on a test server, it's not recommended.

        Also, I understand that CHF8 is around he corner if that makes any difference to what you're trying to accomplish.