Forum Discussion

dhsgaile's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Best way to locate Admin/User Manuals


I'm new to Symantec Connect (Although I’ve used various links to it via Google over the years) so I'll start of with a simple question. Which from searching the forums no one seems to have asked so maybe it's too obvious but here goes.

Is there a standard location for admin/user manuals? I understand that as a partner if I order software, I'll get the manuals because that's how I've got them in the past. But if I just need to check something out without ordering software each time, the manuals seem to be difficult to track down. I find myself jumping around in Partner Net which may or may not have a random link to then manuals depending on the product.

Sales material is abundant no matter where you seem to look but I'm wondering if there is a standard process/portal for getting to the manuals for Symantec products.

Hope this isn't too much of a newbie question.



  • I always start with the Symantec Knowledgebase

    Once you select your product you need, it will take you to that page and there should be an option for related documents.

    Hope this helps

  • I always start with the Symantec Knowledgebase

    Once you select your product you need, it will take you to that page and there should be an option for related documents.

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks Brian81

    That seems to be the place.  Easy when you know how I suppose.  With all the various sites/portals available, it's getting harder and harder to find anything.


    Thanks Again.



  • Glad that helps.

    In all honesty, that is the only site I use for documentation for the various products I use so I couldn't really say if there is much more than that. It's a great central repository so I've never needed to look elsewhere wink