Forum Discussion

PATRICK_Kitchen's avatar
14 years ago

A Licensing Question

Hello there


I am after some information on licensing and I wondered whether any of the guru's on this site are able to help at all. I am interested in licensing for Microsoft Exchange Server.


Does this work on the number of mailboxes enabled for archivinging or the number of mailboxes in the Exchange organisation ?


Also if we are using envelope journaling I assume this will effect every mailbox in the exchange organisation and as such we will need the appropiate number of licenses.


Can anyone please confirm the situation for me.


Many thanks




  • Hello Pat,

    I believe EV is licensed as follows:

    1 license per mailbox that gets an archive and is ACTIVELY archived.

    1 license for journaling, based on the number of mailboxes that are journaled.

    MBX - if you have 1000 users you want to archive, you need 1000 licenses. this is 'active' archives.

    If 200 users leave, and 100 join, you now have 900 active archives (although having 1100 mailboxes). So you have room for 100 more.

    For journaling, usually you journal all mailboxes, which means you would also require a journallicense for 1000 mailboxes. However, if you can 'prove' (company policies) you will only archive from 500 mailboxes that is possible too I believe. (you can do selective journaling in Ex2007/2010)

    To be sure, check with licensing dpartment or a partner.

  • Hello Pat,

    I believe EV is licensed as follows:

    1 license per mailbox that gets an archive and is ACTIVELY archived.

    1 license for journaling, based on the number of mailboxes that are journaled.

    MBX - if you have 1000 users you want to archive, you need 1000 licenses. this is 'active' archives.

    If 200 users leave, and 100 join, you now have 900 active archives (although having 1100 mailboxes). So you have room for 100 more.

    For journaling, usually you journal all mailboxes, which means you would also require a journallicense for 1000 mailboxes. However, if you can 'prove' (company policies) you will only archive from 500 mailboxes that is possible too I believe. (you can do selective journaling in Ex2007/2010)

    To be sure, check with licensing dpartment or a partner.

  • Licensing is based on the number of active users you archive (though a user can have multiple mailboxes and not have it count towards their numbers) I.e I can have 500 user licenses but have thousands of archives and still be compliant due to the fact some of the archives are for users that have left the company and some of the archives are secondary or shared mailboxes As for envelope journaling, well, journaling is journaling, whether you were to do standard, envelope or bcc journaling it wouldn't matter, the licensing and consumption for the jornaling would be the same. Also in exchange 2007 and 2010, envelope journaling is the only option But journaling and mailbox archiving are two completely separate licenses that are required Edit: pipped to the post by gertjan :)
  • Here's a link that describes licensing in detail from a previous post in the forum

    Storage Management Advanced Edition for Microsoft Exchange

    Licensing based on permailbox will be enabled for archiving

    E-Discovery Standard Edition (Exchange, Domino)

    Licensing is based on per mailbox on which journaling will be enabled



    Storage Management Advanced Edition for Microsoft Exchange

    Mailbox Archiving for Microsoft Exchange

    PST Migrator

    Vault Cache and Virtual Vault

    Public Folder Archiving

    E-Discovery Standard Edition (Exchange, Domino)


    Discovery Accelerator