Access to EV Archived Email with Outlook from another AD Domain
I have a customer who has EV Journal and Email (exchange) archiving setup and running in their own domain - DOMAIN-A. All is functioning well. EV 12.1.
They have another domain - DOMAIN-B - and have created a ONE-WAY trust between the domains whereby DOMAIN-A trusts DOMAIN-B.
They have users in DOMAIN-B who logon with DOMAIN-B credentials, launch Outlook 2016 (with EV add-in and attach to the exchange environment in DOMAIN-A. All email is visible (including archived email being shown with correct icon) and they can send/receieve etc. However - when they select an archived email they get the banner stating this has been archived by enterprise Vault etc. and the email does display correctly.
As I look into this issue what is the startng point ? What do we need here for this to function ? Is a one way trust enough ? Could this be DNS related ? 12.2 add-in with 12.1 server OK ?
Any input appreciated,
also check the permissions on the archives in domainA. The EV client uses the logged on user (and not the outlook user) details to get items from the archive, so if domainB user doesn't have access to the archive in domainA, he won't be able to open items anyway.