approach to automating health checks in EV - how to confirm specific items are journaled
EV 9.0.2 and EV 10 environments.
Have a requirement where I want to automate some EV health checks.
We have many different feeds going into EV - journaled emails, IMs, chats, etc.
I want to set up an automated health check to ensure the items we expect to be journaled in a specific date range are being journaled.
e.g. for IMs, check for subject "Conversation with XXXXXX" between X date and Y date
I understand I can't query the EV database because it doesn't contain subject metadata, that is stored in indexes.
So I was thinking of using the EV search.asp page to achieve this goal.
i.e. use curl.exe or wget.exe to download a URL like:
and then parse the output to confirm the expected data is there.
That approach will work, but our journal indexes contain many volume sets and you have to manually select the date range from the pull down list. While I can pull volume sets (index ID) via this query:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT A.ArchiveName "Archive Name",
IV.IndexVolumeIdentity "Index ID",
IV.FolderName "Index Folder",
IV.OldestItemDateUTC "Oldest Sent Item",
IV.YoungestItemDateUTC "Newest Sent Item",
IV.OldestArchivedDateUTC "Item First Archived On",
IV.YoungestArchivedDateUTC "Item Last Archived On",
IV.IndexedItems "Item Count"
FROM Archive A, Root R, IndexVolume IV
WHERE IV.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity
AND R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity
ORDER BY A.ArchiveName, IV.IndexVolumeIdentity
and then pass the correct one via the URL, that's a bit of a pain.
I understand per that I can set UseFederatedSearch in webapp.ini - does this mean there will be no more pull down containing the volume sets? Does this place extra load on EV when searching if I still specify exact dates via the URL? I was thinking of doing this on one EV server only and then locking down that search page so end users can't use it.
Any ideas welcome!