Forum Discussion

AG81's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Archive Quota


I'm implementing quotas for EV archives. To do It more easy in the future, I created a new Vault Store and set there the quota. My answer is: IE i set a 2 GB quota in a VS, and I want to move an archive to this new VS and this archive have 4 GB of info? what will happen? Should I  remove archived info to do it? Or, can have a mailbox two associated Archive? One with the old info, an another new one with cuota set?

Thank you!

  • Hello AG81,


    Let me explain you with a example.

    User1 is my archive of 4GB.

    Now if want to create a new archive for User1 i can do it in the same way as i mentioned earlier.

    Now I have Two archives,

    User1 Archive OLD (4GB)

    User1 Archive New

    The New items will be written into the new archive as the new archive is associated with the User1.

    But still he has permission on his old archive and he will be able restore or retrieve any item from his Outlook from his OLD Archive.

    When User1 try to access his ArchiveExplorer he would see Two archives the OLD one and NEW one.


    I hope this clears your doubt.




  • Hello AG81,


    Find the Inline answers.


    I'm implementing quotas for EV archives. To do It more easy in the future, I created a new Vault Store and set there the quota. My answer is: IE i set a 2 GB quota in a VS, and I want to move an archive to this new VS and this archive have 4 GB of info? what will happen?


    If you Move the archive to the Quota based vaultstore then after Moving 2 GB of data the Archive will be Full and it will give you an error about the same that it cannot copy further data..

    - If you increase the Quota of that archive then Move will complete successfully.

    Should I  remove archived info to do it? Or, can have a mailbox two associated Archive? One with the old info, an another new one with cuota set?


    Yes you can have two archive associated with one user.

    You first disable the user for archiving and then enable the user again (IT would be listed unde disabled user) Click on the Button - DESELECT ARCHIVE and click on next which will create a new archive and in the Next window select the Quota based vaultstore.


    I hope this helps.




  • i would recommend against creating multiple archives for the same users. it will only lead to confusion for them and for other people that might be administering the system with or after you. even if you set the quota on a vault store, you can override individual archive quota limits on the properties tab of each archive that's over 2GB (or whatever you set it to)

  • Hi AG81,

    If you setup a quota of 2GB and you have archives with 4GB of archived data, then you need to implement a strategy for Storage Expiry, which might include changing retention policies. Otherwise, you might have users complaning about mailboxes getting full since EV will not archive more data if the quota is reached in the archive. Also, the Enterprise Vault Admin Console would generate an error stating that the archive is over the quota in the destination Vault Store and the move archive would fail.

    Also, one mailbox can be associated with one archive only. You can add permissions to another archive and provide user access to that archive from Archive Explorer, EV Search or the new unified search in EV 11. However, Enterprise Vault will always use the associated archive to pull archived data from Outlook/OWA. If there is a shortcut where the item was archived in the old archive, EV won't search into the old archive for that item, instead, it will search in the current archive.

    I hope this helps.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for your replies!!

    But now, I'm little consfused: A_J says that one mailbox can have associated two archives, and GabeV says that one mailbox can be associated with one archive only, but can add permissions to another archive and provide uses access.

    I supose that the easyest way is to disable this mailbox, reenable It (like A_J says) and create a new archive in the new VS with quota, and give permissions over the old archive.

    Thanks in advance for your comments.

  • Hello AG81,


    Let me explain you with a example.

    User1 is my archive of 4GB.

    Now if want to create a new archive for User1 i can do it in the same way as i mentioned earlier.

    Now I have Two archives,

    User1 Archive OLD (4GB)

    User1 Archive New

    The New items will be written into the new archive as the new archive is associated with the User1.

    But still he has permission on his old archive and he will be able restore or retrieve any item from his Outlook from his OLD Archive.

    When User1 try to access his ArchiveExplorer he would see Two archives the OLD one and NEW one.


    I hope this clears your doubt.




  • Thank you A_J !!

    Perfect, I will do it.
