Forum Discussion

jasonwelch01's avatar
14 years ago

Archive/Journal Issues - Since Upgrading EV901 & Outlook 2007


This past weekend, we upgraded our Exchange mailbox archiving servers & journal server to EV9.0.1 as well as installed Outlook 2007 sp2 & hotfix KB968858

Since upgrading, journaling is so slow.  In addition, our 2 Exchange mailbox archiving servers are producing the below error during times when it should be archiving exchange mailboxes

I read a couple of posts, in this forum, saying to apply the hotfix from KB 2458611 but i also some posts saying this produce a bunch of Error 1000's and cause the archiving task to crash..  These posts said Microsoft was coming out with hotfix to resolve error 1000 but i'm wondering if it's available.  I just found another post saying to install KB 2475891, 2503910 (which i downloaded hotfix for)

Before I apply hotfix KB 2458611 or 2475891, i want to make sure either or both are the suggested course of action to resolve the below errors and fix the slow journaling and below error.

Any feedback is much appreciated

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Archive Task
Event ID: 3411
Date:  4/6/2011
Time:  5:21:00 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: xxxxxxxx
An error has been reported by ConfigureMsgService.  It may be due to a problem contacting a Global Catalogue Server.

Exchange Server: xxxxxx
Error: 0x8007000e  

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