ArchivePoints.exe via Powershell
Hi all,
I’m in the process of creating a powershell script to check OU users against users already configured for file share archiving but I’ve hit a stumbling block. I can query AD to get a list of users per OU and their home directories, dumping all of the details out to text files for logs and basing subsequent queries on.
When I try to query the Archive Points using archivepoints.exe I keep getting an error.
The simple form of the script would be :
$app="D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe"
$EVArg = "find"
$VolLine = "\\fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$"
Invoke-Item "$app $EVArg $VolLine"
But it errors with the following.
Invoke-Item : Cannot find path 'D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe find \fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$' because it does not exist.
It looks like it’s cutting the first backslash off the UNC path, not sure if that’s the problem or just a side effect but either way I haven’t been able to successfully run it.
Has anyone tried to use Powershell to find archive points successfully ?
I can upload the script (it ain’t pretty but it does the job so far) if it might help.
Thanks Kevin
try this it worked in my lab
$cmd="E:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe"$cmdarg = @("find","\\evserv2\users")& $cmd $cmdargsaved as ap.ps1it took a while to run but the output looked likePS C:\Users\admin> .\ap.ps1Listing Archive Points ...Archive Point : \\evserv2\users\Andrew.MooreArchive Point : \\evserv2\users\Bonnie.WalkerArchive Point : \\evserv2\users\Mike.SmithArchive Point : \\evserv2\users\Samantha.ChoArchive Point : \\evserv2\users\Tamara.KramerArchive Point : \\evserv2\users\Vivian.VancePS C:\Users\admin>