Forum Discussion

Carlos_Castro's avatar
13 years ago

Archiving / Enabling mailbox error: Events 2256 3305 3432

Hi everyone! 

I've seen several posts with similar problems than the following, but any of the proposed solutions worked so far, so I'll try to give as much detail as possible.

I had previously installed EV 10 for exchange archiving, exchange 2007 and outlook 2007 all in the same vm for test purposes. Now, I'm making another test, with 3 computers (VMs all with Windows server 2008 R2):

  • WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH.evtest.local is the domain controller and exchange server
  • ev2.evtest.local is the EV server and sql server
  • client.evtest.local is the client (not important right now)

The dns of EV2 points to the domain controller and there if i ping evtest.local from EV2 there is reply.

After installing EV in the EV2 computer, y run the provisioning task and everything goes right. Afterwards, I go to tools -> enable mailboxes, select my test account which is evuser, next next and I get "Failed to enable the mailbox ''EvUser". First check that the exchange mailbox task for WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH is running. if it is, check that the account you are logged in as has sufficient permissions on the exchange server". After this, the Archiving task state is "Failed".

In the event viewer, 3 events appear, with Ids 2256, 3305 and 3432. The two more descriptive are:



One or more errors occurred during the creation of a profile to connect to an Exchange Server. 
Targeted Exchange Server: WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH 
Mailbox: SMTP:EVService@evtest.local 
ConfigureMsgService failed with the following errors: 
A network error MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR has been reported for the following connection points:
The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH' failed to log on to Exchange server 'WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH' using mailbox 'SMTP:EVService@evtest.local'. Please ensure the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the Vault account has sufficient permissions on the server. 

I've run the SetEVPermisssions.ps1 script for my EV account (EVService), and it is the same way that made it work in a single VM in the previous test.

I Dtrace'd the archiving task, and the error part is the following (Although attached is the full trace)


4356 16:43:18.328 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Entry)
4357 16:43:18.328 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#841} Setting up MAPI profile [VaultMbxAgent-WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH-4880-1346182998-0-328-0]
4358 16:43:18.329 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#844} Creating the MAPI profile...
4359 16:43:18.330 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#864} Creating the message service (if it doesn't already exist)...
4360 16:43:18.336 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#878} Getting the message service table (GetMsgServiceTable)...
4361 16:43:18.336 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#881} Querying the returned message service table...
4362 16:43:18.337 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt} (Entry)
4363 16:43:18.337 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#107} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH], attempt [1] of [5]
4364 16:43:18.370 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#119} ConfigureMsgService failed: [0x80040115]
4365 16:43:18.870 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#82} Using provided Global Catalog Server [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH.evtest.local]
4366 16:43:18.870 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#107} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH.evtest.local], attempt [2] of [5]
4367 16:43:18.950 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#119} ConfigureMsgService failed: [0x80040115]
4368 16:43:19.451 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#107} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH], attempt [3] of [5]
4369 16:43:19.483 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#119} ConfigureMsgService failed: [0x80040115]
4370 16:43:19.984 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#107} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH.evtest.local], attempt [4] of [5]
4371 16:43:20.040 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#119} ConfigureMsgService failed: [0x80040115]
4372 16:43:20.540 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:L {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#107} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH], attempt [5] of [5]
4373 16:43:20.574 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#119} ConfigureMsgService failed: [0x80040115]
4374 16:43:20.575 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:H {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt} (Exit) Status: [<0x80040115>]
4375 16:43:20.575 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#950} ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt() failed.
4376 16:43:20.575 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::BuildConfigureMsgServiceErrorText:#722} Failed to contact server [SMTP:EVService@evtest.local] due to a network error.
4377 16:43:20.576 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV~E Event ID: 3432 One or more errors occurred during the creation of a profile to connect to an Exchange Server. |Targeted Exchange Server: WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH |Mailbox: SMTP:EVService@evtest.local |ConfigureMsgService failed with the following errors: |A network error MAPI_E_NETWORK_ERROR has been reported for the following connection points:|WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH|WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH.evtest.local| |
4378 16:43:20.579 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#1021} Cleaning up profile [VaultMbxAgent-WIN-GV6V5SU1CTH-4880-1346182998-0-328-0] following preceding failure. Profile deletion: [0x0]
4379 16:43:20.579 [3444] (ArchiveTask) <4880> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Exit) Status: [<0x80040115>]

I also saw the KB article related to the GC and I run the "fix it for me" msi that they have.

Do you have any ideas? Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide.

P.S. One extra detail: For creating the 2 vms I did the following: I had a vm with EV and exchange together working. I copied the vm and in VM1 uninstalled EV and sql. On VM2 removed DC role, reinstalled sql, reinstalled Enterprise vault, renamed the computer and pointed to the domain controller VM1. I say it just in case this could have been a problem that I'm missing.

Thanks to everyone!

  • i also noticed that you are using EV service account as the system mailbox...this is not should create another mailbox as a system mailbox as use that in the exchange mailbox archiving task.