10 years agoLevel 4
Archiving Report Error
In EV 11.0.1 the Archiving Report the Error "Warning: Failed to process Mailbox" will be shown.
But Archiving is working fine in sheduled also in manual mode.
Did anyone knows something about this new behavior.
Best regards
Refer the following Technote.
You may have to disable and re-enable the Mailbox reporitng the error .
How to remove (zap) Enterprise Vault (EV) properties from Archive-Enabled Exchange mailboxes:
I guess you will also see event -
Event ID: 3487 The mailbox will not be processed again on this archiving run because there were errors with too many individual items. |Mailbox: /o=Exchange/ou=Test/cn=Recipients/cn=Test |Eligible Items: 2103 |Exchange Server: Exchange01 |Task name: Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for Exchange01