Backup Exec, SQL agent and Enterprise Vault Agent
We have Backup Exec with both the SQL Agent and the Enterprise Vault agent. Which agent should we use to back up the EV databases? SQL agent, EV agent, or both?
I am concerned that if I use two backup agents to back up the databases, they will each back up and clear the transaction logs, which would make recovery very difficult.
Similarly, is it safe for me to exclude all the Vault Stores and Indexes from NTFS backups of the EV server?
Graham Carter
Both the "EV Agent" and "SQL Agent" are just "licenses" on the media server.
The communication etc. are done through the RAWS agent so there is no extra piece of software that you need to install ontop of that on the server itself.
The RAWS agent need to be installed on both the SQL server/s and EV server/s.
I would create a seperate job for just the EV parts (selected through the EV section in the selection list) which should include the databases as they should be listed in that section as well.
For the normal server backup (c:, program files, system state etc.) create a seperate job with the EV parts excluded.