Backup strategy - choosing daily vs. weekly full, daily incrementals, etc.
For a straightforward EV 10 installation with about 10 TB of only File System Archiving data, using the NetBackup agent for EV to backup vault stores, indexes, etc, how do I choose a backup strategy?
I've searched this forum, read and DOC4933 and the article: and understand the need for and different sources of EV data needing backups, but I cannot find any good advice on trade-offs between daily fulls, weekly fulls, daily incrementals, etc.
Do the trade-offs between various backup strategies (RTO, RPO) that we consider for lets say ordinary file system backups apply equally as much to the EV backups, or is there an advantage - for example - of daily fulls over and above the shorter RTO you generally get with daily full backups (not having to apply daily incrementals to get latest)?
I have seen that closed vault stores (and indexes?) should be backed up less frequenly - perhaps a weekly full only - so my question is more around EV 'non-closed' stores/indexes/etc.
I realize this may be a complex subject - perhaps we could start with a simple strategy and poke holes in it:
Weekly fulls of all EV data
Daily differential incremental (NetBackup term for ordinary incremental of changes since yesterday's backup) of active data and SQL databases.
Retain perhaps a month's work of weeklies and then retain monthlies until tape copies are made.
There are a number of recent whitepapers published that may help you:
Backing Up Enterprise Vault White Paper
Article: TECH147148 | Created: 2010-12-29 | Updated: 2012-02-08 | Article URL Backing up Enterprise Vault: Medium environment
Article: DOC4933 | Created: 2011-11-28 | Updated: 2012-03-30 | Article URL