Forum Discussion

Lmlarson's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Beginning migration to 2013

We are in the process of migrating from ex2007 to ex2013.  We will continue to use Outlook 2007 client but access OWA 2013. 

We are currently running EV10.4.   I will be installing the 10.4 hotfix for mixed environment compatibility. 

What else needs to be done on within EV and/or installed on the Exchange 2013 servers to successfully migrate mailboxes to ex2013 and successful access to vaulted messages. 

On a related topic, in preparation for the migration, we recently migrated ISA rules to barracuda load balancers.  OWA clients are redirected to ex2013 which routes them to ex2007 if the mailbox is still on 2007.  After doing this, vaulted messages are not available via OWA.  It was our understanding this is a simple reroute. 

I did not install the current EV environment so I'm just becoming familiar with EV deployment.  Any direction is much appreciated. 


  • You can migrate user's mailboxes from Ex2k7 to 2k13 and place 'SynchInMigrtion' mode dword value 1 as directed by Adviser, you can take reference information from

    EV servers needs to be published for EV action if users accessing via OWA(OR RPC anywhere). There are configuration changes as EV work with OWA 2013 only via office mail app. So you need to configure mailbox and define external-internal EV URL as well.

    The details on configuration steps can be found in TN, it has few excellent video to understand how app work with Exchange 2013.

    EV icons would not be visible in case of Exchange 2013 OWA access so icons should not be an issue but Barracuda should not stop other functionalities. You may wish to talk their support representative if anything breaks.

    We can utilize single internet publish record if Barracuda allows web proxying. (we don't have any sort of certification for Barracuda as firewall). The rules & functionalities should work as mentioned in link below (this if UAG firewall).

  • First of all, implement SyncInMigrationMode registry key on EV Server. Then add Exchange 2013 in targets and make sure permissions are all set for Vault Service account.

  • You can migrate user's mailboxes from Ex2k7 to 2k13 and place 'SynchInMigrtion' mode dword value 1 as directed by Adviser, you can take reference information from

    EV servers needs to be published for EV action if users accessing via OWA(OR RPC anywhere). There are configuration changes as EV work with OWA 2013 only via office mail app. So you need to configure mailbox and define external-internal EV URL as well.

    The details on configuration steps can be found in TN, it has few excellent video to understand how app work with Exchange 2013.

    EV icons would not be visible in case of Exchange 2013 OWA access so icons should not be an issue but Barracuda should not stop other functionalities. You may wish to talk their support representative if anything breaks.

    We can utilize single internet publish record if Barracuda allows web proxying. (we don't have any sort of certification for Barracuda as firewall). The rules & functionalities should work as mentioned in link below (this if UAG firewall).

  • Just for clarification -  the only way to access archived email from OWA 2013 is to install the office mail app. ?

    So, before migrating mailboxes to EX2013 -


    place 'SynchInMigrtion' mode dword value 1

    Add 2013 servers as targets and set permissions

    install and configure office mail app for OWA integration

    Then all should be good to go?



  • Yes, you are correct, EV-Office mail app is only supported way in Exchange 2013 OWA. Put synchInMigration mode registry and move mailboxex from old exchange to new exchange 2013.

    (need to add exchange as target & create task after completing all prerequisite).




  • Would this be true if we only wanted to access a shortcut vaulted message.  We will not be deploying any of the other buttons/features.

  • For OWA, Officemailapp is only supported way. However if user can still use outook for EV in the same way it used to be before.
    I don't think we have any way to access.

  • Okay, thanks. 

    Our new exchange 2013 environment will consist of four physical servers with multiple mailboxes databases evenly distrubuted across the four servers.  All four servers are a member of the DAG. 

    One more questions that I need a bit of clarification on.  When preparing for archiving from the 2013 servers, do I need to create a target on evault for each physical 2013 server or can I define the DAG as a target?  I was told I would need to define each physical server as a target.  If so, would I also need a journal mailbox on each physical server?

    If this is the case, what happens if one server in the DAG fails mailbox databases over to another server in the DAG? In 2007 with the target being defined as the cluster, evault see's it as the same server.  In 2013 if the target's are defined as the physical server, how does evault handle a failover where a mailbox database could potentially be active on any of the four physical servers.

    My confusion comes in based on the current configuration.  We currently have the cluster name defined as the target for the 2007 mailboxes, not the physical servers.  Based on the cluster defined as the target, we also have only one journal mailbox defined.  All mailboxes point to the cluster name not the phyical server.


  • For Exchange 2010/2013 DAG environment, you need to add all physical server as target those are part of DAG & we should have archviving task for Exchange Target. If database fail-over happens then provisioning task update the location of all mailbox in EV database.

    There is guide for EV 9.0 & Exchange 2010 DAG, which is applicable for ex2k13 & ev 10 configuration.

  • Do I need to move the existing service account to exchange 2013.  I'm reading confliciting doc's.  One says that the system account requires an associated  mailbox and it should\needs to be moved.  The other says not to move it if  it is the system mailbox for the 2007 environment. 

    Do I use the existing service account and move it? Do not move it? Create a new service account for 2013?