Best way to apply retention plan to disabled archives
EV for Exchange 12.4.2
I have applied a retention plan successfully and changed the retention category for specific folders in active archives by assigning the plan in provisioning groups.
I now need to assign the plan to my disabled archives. It appears I can use EVPM or powershell to do that?
Is there any other way to assign the plan to disabled (ie departed users) archives?
And if assigning the plan via EVPM or Powershell, are there any gotchas that I need to be aware of ... e.g. if I assign the plan via provisioning groups, the provisioning task and a sync need to take place to apply the plan, what about when assigned via powershell, is there anything that subsquently needs to happen to fully apply the plan to the folders and items?
from set-evarchive:
In an Exchange or Internet Mail archive, Set-EVArchive creates or updates any retention folders that you have defined with the retention plan. The cmdlet first determines the preferred language of the archive and then, if you have supplied the retention folder names in this language, names the folders accordingly. If the preferred language is one that Enterprise Vault does not support, or Enterprise Vault does support the language but you have not supplied the folder names in it, then the folder names in Enterprise Vault's default language are used.
I'll give it a try and see how it goes.