Block mode configuration
I am installing EV 2007 SP1 in a new environment, I have 5 EV servers (4 mailbox Servers and 1 Archive Server) in production, I have the same amount of servers at my failover site (DR Site) acting as standby servers. The production site and failover site is in the same domain even though they are physically separated.
The production site using Centera as storage that is replicated to a Centera at the failover site, I have configured one Vault Store for each server, all indexes, Centera collection area and shopping are installed and configured on a SAN drive for each server, the idea is to move the san disks for to the failover site in a DR scenario. The same idea applies to the SQL database.
I have read the Enterprise Vault PDF documentation about block mode configuration that is supplied with the software but cannot figure out how to configure the servers for failover.
When I add the 5 standby servers in VAC by running the configuration wizard, do I have to create a new site in EV (can servers move/failover between sites ) or do I place the 5 standby servers in the same Enterprise Vault site ?
I guess that I do not configure any vault stores for the 5 standby servers as they will use vault stores configured for production when a failover is initiated ?
Do I have to update the Centera ip addresses when I failover ?
Any help will be much appreciated,
Many Thanks,