Forum Discussion

Jo_Chandler's avatar
19 years ago

Cancel Pending Items


We have recently upgraded to EV version 5. I am in the process of converting all our archives before an upgrade to version 6. I have calls from a couple of users who are unable to cancel pending items between particular dates at the start of January 06. These dates are all prior to our upgrade and the users have no problems canceling pending items from the client that are from a later date.

The DOS Tool for Cancel Pending items from the server doesn't seem to work anymore in version 5. I have tried using the reg key

PendingShortcutTimeout = 0

And running the archive service in report mode this doesn't seem to work and I don't get any eventvwr errors.

Any ideas from anyone out there?

    I put this in a different post, but it might help you, too. Check out the different options for converting the messageclasses back to ipm.note from the pending.

    I put this in a different post, but it might help you, too. Check out the different options for converting the messageclasses back to ipm.note from the pending.