Cannot open jpg/jpeg from Sharepoint Archive
Hi all,
we have correctly archived more files from Sharepoint site and created shortcuts. These shorcuts are working for almost all types files - pdf, doc, xls, ppt .... ( I can open these from browser). But jpeg/jpg file is not possible to open. The white cross in black square is displayed with name of the file. It seems be like no working recall for picture files = still 1KB size of shortcut is displayed.
Versioning is working ( when I click on the file by right button, open version history and open file version with full size, the file is opened. I tried dtrace with w3cp, EVSPShortcut and again click on these pictures but no important log is recorded.
thanks for idea
Hi All,
the case is closed - EV 12.x and special feature of SharePoint - (Thumbnail–centric views in cache store for image/video/audio) is not working correctly. Recall of files back to SHP was performed with good result.