16 years agoLevel 4
Changing Retention Category and how it affects retention expiration
I have the need to craete new Retention Categories for email which is easy enough to do and apply them to folders in Outlook. From reading other posts though it seems that doing that will not update the expiration stamp on items that already have been archived. Items already archived had been done so with a 5 year retention, now I need to create an 18 month and 6 month retention category and apply them to respective Outlook folders. I need to verify that the previously archived items will be stamped with the new expiration dates. If not what is the resolution or work around for this.
Running EV 2007 SP5 for Microsoft Exchange and FSA
Running EV 2007 SP5 for Microsoft Exchange and FSA
- No there is no supported way that you can change the retention category on items that have already been archived. You can only have a new retention category on new archived items.