Forum Discussion

MRB6754's avatar
Level 2
3 years ago

Database Upgrade problem when updating EV 14.2.1 to 14.2.2

When executing the Start-EVDatabaseUpgrade script after upgrading from 14.2.1 to 14.2.2 we are getting the following error message. Obviously, the StoreIdentifier column is missing in MemberTable_000.

Any idea how to fix that issue?

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault> Start-EVDatabaseUpgrade
[14:26] Loading configuration.
[14:26] Checking user permissions.
[14:26] Permissions OK.
[14:26] Database 'Directory' on server 'mrsql01.MRBau.local': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'Upgrader (EnterpriseVaultDirectory)' on server 'mrsql01.MRBau.local': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'Upgrader (EnterpriseVaultDirectory)' on server 'mrsql01.MRBau.local': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'Directory' on server 'mrsql01.MRBau.local': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'EnterpriseVaultMonitoring' on server 'mrsql01': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': The database needs to be upgraded from '' to ''.
[14:26] Database 'EVStore1' on server 'mrsql01': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Upgrade started.
[14:26] Starting upgrade.
[14:26] Database 'Directory' on server 'mrsql01.MRBau.local': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'EnterpriseVaultMonitoring' on server 'mrsql01': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'EVStore1' on server 'mrsql01': The database is up to date. The version is ''.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Checking permissions on database.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Checking that database version is compatible.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Checking current connection.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Upgrade started.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Running script CommonDB_Utils.sql.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Script 'CommonDB_Utils.sql' completed.
[14:26] Database 'VaultStoreGroup1_2' on server 'mrsql01': Running script FingerprintDB_ApplyPatch.sql.
Start-EVDatabaseUpgrade : Fehler bei ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN, da die "StoreIdentifier"-Spalte in der MemberTable_000-Tabelle nicht vorhanden ist.
Database upgrader has encountered an unrecoverable SQL fault while upgrading the database. If you cannot solve this issue, contact your support representative.
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Start-EVDatabaseUpgrade
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (EVVSGVaultStoreGroup1_2_2:String) [Start-EVDatabaseUpgrade], UpgraderException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnknownError,Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Database.DBUpgraderPowerShell.PSUpgraderLog

[14:26] Upgrade completed with errors.
[14:26] Database upgrader stopped.

WARNUNG: Some databases could not be upgraded:

EnterpriseVaultDirectory: The database is up to date. The version is ''.
EnterpriseVaultMonitoring: The database is up to date. The version is ''.
EVVSGVaultStoreGroup1_2_2: Could not be upgraded. Database remains on version''. Fehler bei ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN, da die "StoreIdentifier"-Spalte in der MemberTable_
000-Tabelle nicht vorhanden ist.
EVVSEVStore1_2: The database is up to date. The version is ''.
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault>
  • Hi, 

    Engineering has identified an issue with one of the checks during the upgrade.  This is being corrected and an update should be available within a day or two.  



  • Hi, 

    Engineering has identified an issue with one of the checks during the upgrade.  This is being corrected and an update should be available within a day or two.  



  • Marcdeand GertjanA: Thanks for the advice. In the meantime, we restored the EV-Server and the databases to version 14.1 and opened a support ticket. Will keep you posted. Br

  • Hi there, 

    feel greeted from Germany as I do see some German strings in your output.

    It is basically complaining that the first table MemberTable_000 is missing the column StoreIdentifier.

    Coud you please share with us which columns this table contains? In addition, do other tables in the vsg database contain the same columns and StoreIdentifier is also missing there? 




    • MRB6754's avatar
      Level 2

      Hi Marcde,
      it seems that there is no column named StoreIdentifier in the MemberTable_000. The closest match would be VaultStoreIdentity I assume...

  • Is this the same for some other member tables?


    • MRB6754's avatar
      Level 2

      Yes, also the StoreIdentifier field is also missing in the other MemberTables

      • Marcde's avatar

        I'd recommend contacting technical support then. I currently do only have access to a 12.5 and 14.2.0 lab and can confirm that this column is present in both of them. 



  • Most definitely contact support. You don't want to mess with the databases yourself, as you loose your entitlement to support.