Forum Discussion

yarg's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Decommissioning Exchange servers

Hi all,

I'm trying to follow this technote:
The problem is that I'm failing already at step 1!

When I run this query in SQL:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry EME
INNER JOIN ExchangeMailboxStore EMS ON EME.MbxStoreIdentity = EMS.MbxStoreIdentity
INNER JOIN ExchangeServerEntry ESE ON ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity = EMS.ExchangeServerIdentity
WHERE ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity = 'ResultFromPrevious'

I get over 200 results.  However, those mailboxes no longer even exist; these users have left our organisation a long time ago, their mailboxes were deleted, but it seems like that was never synchronised with EV.  Can anyone suggest please how to clean that up?  I'm trying to remove 2 Exchange servers which have no more mailboxes and no mailbox DBs on them.  However EV, at least at a SQL level, still believes that there are archive-enabled mailboxes on the servers.

Any help much appreciated....


  • I think you best bet is to remove those entries from the ExchangeMailboxEntry table.

  • Yep, that will work.  To stop the 41141's just delete the provisioning groups

  • yes that would be ok. those two operations are not related.

  • I'll try doing that then.  Many thanks for your help!