Forum Discussion

HDavid's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Deleting Emails out of Vault prior Retention Category ends EV8

I need a solution for following situation:

We have the Retention Category "11 Years" (in which mails have been archived automatically. This is not more allowed, so the mails have to be deletes out of the vault. It's a Company rule so we have no other possibility).


ALL the Mails that are archived with this Retention Category "11 Years" need to be deleted out of the Vault.

And ONLY the Mails that have been archived in this Retention Category are allowed to be deleted. 


Prior to that we are going to export them in PST's to import them back with letting the users set the Retention by themself. So exactly the Exportet Items, like seen in the Export Wizard is what we want to delete, with the wizard this is not possible.


Problem I see is, that when we set the old 11 Year Retention Category to "delete after 1 Day" this will work for Emails that are archived in the future. For Mails that are already in the Vault this will not work (and that's what we need). But thats what SymantecSupport says.


So what we need is a Workaround that deletes all the Mails that have been archived with the Retention Category "11 Years".


We cannot define a date (eg. 1.1.2010) for Mails to delete because People have already archived Mails with the new retention categories in the Same time where Mails have been archived with the 11Years Category.


Problem is, that when we do not get rid of the Mails EV will be turned off by the CompanyMother..... :/

  • >>Problem I see is, that when we set the old 11 Year Retention Category to "delete after 1 Day" this will work for Emails that are archived in the future. For Mails that are already in the Vault this will not work (and that's what we need). But thats what SymantecSupport says.


    If you change a retention category then all items that were archived with that retention category will be affected, so all items that are in the archive that are over 1 day old (in your example) will be deleted through Expiry as per normal. Your plan to export and then set the retention category to 1 day would work. If you are worried about items with other retention categories being deleted by expiry then you can set the category to not allow deletion

  • >>Problem I see is, that when we set the old 11 Year Retention Category to "delete after 1 Day" this will work for Emails that are archived in the future. For Mails that are already in the Vault this will not work (and that's what we need). But thats what SymantecSupport says.


    If you change a retention category then all items that were archived with that retention category will be affected, so all items that are in the archive that are over 1 day old (in your example) will be deleted through Expiry as per normal. Your plan to export and then set the retention category to 1 day would work. If you are worried about items with other retention categories being deleted by expiry then you can set the category to not allow deletion

  • hi Nick,

    thanks, thats what i wantet to hear.

    so i will change the other Retention Categories to "do not delete".

  • Remember that items might not delete if they're on legal hold, but then again if they are, you wouldn't want them deleted anyway?

    Also before running the full expiry, i would suggestion doing a Report mode run first, just to make sure it says it won't expire any items from any of the other retention categories