Does EV9 to EV10 upgrade require recreating Index
Do I have to recreate my Index or can I simply point the new server to the current Index?
I am running EV9 on a 32bit Windows 2003 server.
I am installing EV10 on a 64bit Windows 2008 server.
thank you
Slight correction, the Server Settings doesn't copy the indexes over. You need to either copy the indexes over or make the exsisting location available to the new EV Server. Where are your indexes currently stored?
In the referenced document look at the following section:
Migrating locally stored Enterprise Vault data
If you store any data locally on the source Enterprise Vault server, you must ensure that the data is available to the target server when you import the migration package.
You can use any of the following options to make the data available to the target server:
Copy or move the data directly to the target server using the same paths that existed on the source server. For example, if your vault store partitions are on the E:\ drive on the source server, you can copy the partitions to the E:\ drive on the target server. When you import the migration package on the target server, the Server Settings Migration wizard first looks for Enterprise Vault data in the same paths that were used on the source server.
Copy or move the data to another location such as network attached storage. For example, you can copy your locally stored vault store partitions to \\Server1\EVpartitions\. When you import the migration package on the target server, specify the new location for the vault store partitions using its UNC path.
Leave the locally stored data on the source server and use it as a file server. In this case, share the folders that contain Enterprise Vault data. When you import the migration package on the target server, specify the location for the data locations using UNC paths.
You must make the following data available to the target server:
Vault store partitions
Index locations
Locations for temporary files that are used in Centera collections
Shopping service locations