Forum Discussion

nwalsh's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

DR testing on EV11 on Vmware

Hi All,


I would say that this question has come up before but i had not come across the fourms on a answer. So id ask.


I currenly have a test envoirment setup for EV11. I have a production site and a DR site both site site on Vmware.


My question is that i had conducted a failover to our DR site.

We done the following process.. correct me if i am wrong please.

We powered down site A vms, migrated them using SRM to DR site.

Used DB mirroring from site A SQL01 to DR site SQL05

Applied a DNS change of the new DR site IP address.

Powered back up the VM's.

On the EV mail server i applied an SQL server Client Network Ulity, So the Alias of SQL05 would look like SQL01

Launch EVAC. but i ran into some issues.

When launching EVAC i was unable to find the localhost. I had tried both an Alias name and IP address but it was unable to launch EVAC? 

I then checked on the web version to see if i was able to access my own archived data and the site was unavailable.


Both site devices are Windows 20012 R2 x64

SQL server is a 2008 version


any ideas, thought or suggestions would be really appreciated.




  • yep. To add, we also use an alias for the search

    EVSEARCH -> entmasp01 (I assume this means MailArchivingServer01)

    then you do need a 'redirect' to make sure users go to the http://entmasp01 url.

    (space is intentional btw.)

  • Hello Noel,

    I assume what you see is that when you start the VAc, it asks which server to use?

    Do you have DNS aliasses for your EV server? It is (one of the) best practices to have aliasses for the EV-servers. IF you also have switched the alis for this server, then use that.

    In other words:

    EVSRV001 = VM1

    EVSVR002 = VM2

    If VM2 is now really VM1, you should use EVSRV001 in the VAC screen.

    FYI in my environment I have :

    EVDS -> EV001 -> server01

    EV001 -> server01

    EV002 -> server02

    EV003 -> server03 = DR

    In VAC I see sitename = EVDS. when doing a DR, we change EV001 and EV002 to point to server03. We change EV003 to point to server01. This also implies that EVDS now points to server03. when starting the VAC, we enter EVDS, which then opens the console.


    In your situation, I would try with the alias for the server where EV is now running.



  • Hi GentjanA,


    Correct, on Site 1( Prod) has already set the directory to localhost as instructed by the contractor we had in to do the installation and configuration of EV11.

    You can see im the image that in the directory on "localhost" this was already set.



    when we moved over to our DR site, we tried to launch VAc we were getting this error message.

    DRlocalhost error.png

    Since then i have changed from each EV serevr on the VAc from localhost to the correct server name

    new site.png

    you can also see i have two other servers attached on the above image.


    Yes there is Aliasses for the EV servers. they are also updated.


    Now if i move them back over again and apply as the same as last time, . update the DNS and they should come all alive without a hitch.




  • indeed.

    You might want to create an alias pointing to entjasp01.

    something like:

    entevds points to entjasp01 which points to a server.

    Then, when changing alias entjasp01 to a new server, the entevds will also point there. You can then enter that in the vac-start-screen.

  • Thanks GertjanA

    I persume that this would also help with IIS also. as someone said that because i dont have the DR ip address in on IIS that its causing members unable access to there vault via the web link.




  • yep. To add, we also use an alias for the search

    EVSEARCH -> entmasp01 (I assume this means MailArchivingServer01)

    then you do need a 'redirect' to make sure users go to the http://entmasp01 url.

    (space is intentional btw.)

  • Thanks Gertjan for all the help.


    Turned out to be a delayed dns entry. ended doing a dns flush and it all worked then.. schoolboy error.


    Thanks fo the help again.