Forum Discussion

LouisD's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

duplicate archive in EV 8.02 for exchange should this have happened

We had a user have some strange issues with their mailbox lately so on Friday we decided to delete and recreate the users mailbox from scratch just to rule that out as we had already given him new pc new windows profile and new outlook profile.

So his mailbox was deleted from our exchange 2003 on Saturday morning and recreated on Saturday evening.

today when I logged into EV I was expecting to see an error along the lines of:

The Exchange mailbox provisioning task found a new mailbox with an existing entry in the Enterprise Vault database. The mailbox GUID does not match the entry in the database.

Task: Exchange Provisioning Task for

Set the SynchInMigrationMode registry value in order to process this mailbox. See the documentation for further details.

BUT instead it had created a new Archive now I have 2 archives with the same name. one has 2000 items the other 263
is my best option to export one to pst and re import to current Archive and delete the old one or is there another option if I do an import is there a chance of duplicating shortcuts ?
any suggestion would be great


  • you shouldn't have duplicated shortcuts? EV doesn't have a way to re-create shortcuts, you can only restore an item and re-archive it so what should have happened is that he had the majority of the shortcuts pointing at his old archive and a few pointing at his new archive mr User\Inbox\Hello World -> New Archive (abcd123myvault) mr User\Inbox\Goodbye World -> Old Archive (efg456myVault) So when i say EV doesn't have the ability to re-create shortcuts, i mean that if a shortcut exists already, ev won't and cannot go in there and make a duplicate of it. That is of course unless you did something weird with the PST imports. Oh and word of caution, when you export the mailbox thats going away, you may want to change the VaultStoreEntryId in the CFG file due to a bug around updating shortcuts
  • what i would do is this

    1. Disable the user
    2. Export the newer archive to a pst
    3. Delete the newer archive
    4. Re-enable the user manually and choose to select the archive to associate them to
    5. Enable them and now you will have the one archive
    6. Reimport the new pst and the world is safe once again

    most likely what happened is when the user was recreated he was given a new legacymbxdn so ev saw it as a new user
  • Thanks JesusWept2 (good name)
    Would you think this could have any problems with shortcuts been dublicated ?
  • you shouldn't have duplicated shortcuts? EV doesn't have a way to re-create shortcuts, you can only restore an item and re-archive it so what should have happened is that he had the majority of the shortcuts pointing at his old archive and a few pointing at his new archive mr User\Inbox\Hello World -> New Archive (abcd123myvault) mr User\Inbox\Goodbye World -> Old Archive (efg456myVault) So when i say EV doesn't have the ability to re-create shortcuts, i mean that if a shortcut exists already, ev won't and cannot go in there and make a duplicate of it. That is of course unless you did something weird with the PST imports. Oh and word of caution, when you export the mailbox thats going away, you may want to change the VaultStoreEntryId in the CFG file due to a bug around updating shortcuts
  • Thanks for your help
    what i ended up dping was diableing both account exporting both mailboxs to be save
    deleted the old archive and imported the pst back in
    renabled his mailbox and sorted
    thanks for your help