11 years agoLevel 2
Email Shortcut Retention
We have set the retention category to 4 yrs with expiry based on modified date. Archive policy has archive rule of 90 days and the shortcut age of 180 days.
Now if we start the archiving of a mailbox and if mailbox contains items older than 1 year then these items get archived and replaced with shortcuts. On the second scheduled run of archiving, the shortcuts for items older than 1 year dissappear from the mailbox. The reason I found that age is calculated from the modified date, which already had passed on the day of archiving.
My questions is can we have a separate retention category for shortcuts, so that the shortcuts will expire irrespective of storage expiry set at retention category.
Shortcuts are set in the Mailbox policy and are deleted based on the create/modified date. The deletion of shortcuts has no dependency on the retention category. There is no retention category for shortcuts, only the age at which they are deleted from the mailbox.
You could set a different mailbox policy with a different deletion period and assign to the appropriate users.