12 years agoLevel 3
Enterprise Vault - Determine usage by users?
Dear all,
Being new to EV, I'm wondering whether its possible for someone to tell me whether users are actually using EV? Is it possible to see utilisation of users recalling mail or something similar? We're going through a huge refresh and trying to reduce footprint of data we back up. We use EV for Exchange under EV 9.0.2
Thanks for your thoughts,
If you have auditing enabled and are auditing view items you can. If you don't have auditing enabled then you are pretty much going to be out of luck. You could parse the IIS logs for viewmessage.asp, but depending on how many IIS logs you keep you might not have a lot of data to go by.
If you do have auditing take a look at AuditViewer.
About Audit Viewer
About Audit ViewerHOWTO57884 | 2012-09-23
How To | CMS-XML