Forum Discussion

Kwinter's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault 10 - Mac PC's are unable to recall any archived documents

I don't think this is unusal, but in our environment we are starting to introduce some Mac workstations.  These machines are running Mac OS version 10.7 and in Sysmantec's documentation it indicates that support for EV on Mac's is in "Pending" state.

The Problem:  These Mac's are unable to open up any EV archived documents.  I'm sure it's in regarding the "O" attrubute.  I did run accross a company that claims it can be installed on the Mac's called:  ArchiveConnect

Has anyone worked with this product?  Is there a configuration which is needed without this software?  Any thoughts is greatly appreciated.



  • So it appears the answer is that Enterprise Vault 10 + Mac OS X 10.6+ clients and File Server Archiving don't mix ( at least with EV 10 native support).

    I looked at the GroupLogic offering, but it appears to require ExtremeZ-IP on the server side to function with Mac OS X 10.6 + clients. We use EMC Celerra in environment for CIFS shares, hence no ability to install a server side solution.

    Anyone able to comment on when Enterprise Vault will support File Server Archiving natively for the Mac?