Forum Discussion

  • There is no x64 version of Enterprise Vault yet, keep your eyes open for Enterprise Vault 10 ;)

  • Enterprise Vault 10 will require 64bit for the indexing components but to the best of my knowledge, the rest of the binaries will still run under WOW64, which is what the current binaries use on a 64 bit system.

    I believe the only true 64bit components in EV Currently is the OWA binaries for 2007 and 2010 and FSA binaries

  • We're running 64 bit servers, 64 bit SQL, and have a truckload of memory that EV can't utilize right now. So it'd be nice to have the enhanced performance that the 64bit architecture brings.

    On top of that, we're getting ready to update our NetApp filers to DataONTAP 8.0.1, which is 64bit. So I'd really like to see some increased performance and possibly some nice 64bit APIs to hook into the NetApps.


  • I wouldnt necessarily worry about whether its 32bit binaries or native binaries, EV will work well with in the limits of the 2GB allocations per process quite easily, things such as CPU, storage and other bottle necks exist regardless of how the binaries are compiled

  • Mark, You can use 64bit SQL with the existing version of EV. Using a 64bit aggrigate is also compatible with your existing EV and probably a good idea too jsut from performance and large volume support. Just to remember to collect your DVS files into larger archives and pay attention to the maxfiles of the flexvol you use to store your archive. By defualt I think it only allocates 31million inodes, and without running the collector it's not hard to hit that limit on a busy mail system.

    You should also consider how you want to dedupe your data. I have found the Symantec dedupe to be more effective than ASIS, but there is no reason why you can't turn them both on.

  • Another thing is that on a x64 OS/System the limit/process is really 4GB not 2GB.

    Since the "kernel mode processes" are handled "outside" of WOW64.