Forum Discussion

superf's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Enterprise Vault FSA - shortcuts not being created


We're piloting FSA on EV 11.0.1 but we're having trouble with the shortcut generation. It doesn't appear to be happening.

The archiving rules say "generate shortcuts immediately" and our VS settings are set to remove safety copies after backup.

Backup clears archive bit on EV partitions but the FSA task is still not generating shortcuts. Shortcuts are generated after I run again the Archiving Task

Am I missing something here? At what point should shortcuts be generated and the original file be deleted? 

  • That is expected behaviour if I understand what you are saying.

    • You archive file system
    • Vault Store partition gets backed up
    • on the next run of FSA archive task shortcuts are created.
  • That is expected behaviour if I understand what you are saying.

    • You archive file system
    • Vault Store partition gets backed up
    • on the next run of FSA archive task shortcuts are created.
  • Yes

    But I think the shortcuts must be created after backup has run, isn't it?

  • Yes, the placeholder is created on the next run of the FSA archive task after the vault store partition for the FSA archives has been backed up.

    If you are testing, you can run the task manually to create the placeholders:

    1. Run the task for the creation of shortcuts only: Select this option to restrict the task so that it does not archive, but does create shortcuts. The task creates shortcuts according to the shortcut creation settings in the policy archiving rules. When you select this option the task does not perform archiving. You can choose In report mode to generate a report of shortcuts that would be created if the task ran in normal mode.

  • Ok this is the behaviour...but there's no written in the documentation that it creates the shortcuts on the next run. No?